I've always amused it was biased, I mean which news channel isn't
But what nobody seems to be engaging with and which i have also noticed is that nobody gets interviewed on mainstream media anymore. You have to go to podcasts really for any kind of long form intelligent debate.
More and more news is communicated in snippets of often click bait style spin, designed to tell you what to think.
Yep. If you see who is interviewed are certain people with very mild questioning. Without anyone daring to point finger and call them out.
And is sad to see most of the above "RT is Russian propaganda & fake news media" while the UK media are the only honest in the whole world.... (laughing).
And the best part is British public is living in the dark of what's going on around the world, and only been fed the right amount of propaganda the system wants them to.
a) UK media show the videos from the American ship that supposed the Russians got too close. Everyone and his dog on that island believes (look at the relevant media posts) that is the case and the Russians were provocative. Completely ignoring the fact that even on the video shown, the Russian ship has right of way according to 1970s International Sea Laws and the USN ship cuts in front of it.
Is like someone overtaking you from the left on the motorway and then asks the police to persecute you for driving illegally. Exactly the same thing.
Yet the article on RT pointing at this, was "fake news" even if the video is published by the USN.
b) When RT was talking about Integrity Initiative with few MPs especially Labour ones, appeared on the interviews and how this agency stonewalled everyone trying to find out how and on what spends all that tax payers money. Apparently the UK media silence, is "the side of the truth" and the others who point at it, are conspiracy theorists and Russian propagandists.
c) Since November, East & Central Med is up in flames. War is brewing yet the only mention on UK media was that Turkey was sending some troops to Libya and then got buried. Weeks after it hit the news on all other countries. On the back of illegal agreements between countries which effectively makes the Tripoli based government surrendering the country to Turkey and becoming vassal state.
Same applies to the illegal drilling for gas and oil in Cypriot EEZ by Turkey, threatening everyone with war. To the point while Italy backed off, while France is building naval base in Cyprus with a sizable fleet protecting Total's operations and USA was even forced to bring a whole carrier with support fleet to prove a point last year, to stay outside Exxon Mobil fields. On top Israel is now guaranteeing the Cypriot airspace.
And that's the hypocrisy of the EU also as all these are EU borders, yet Germany doesn't want to act because has interests in Turkey. To the annoyance of everyone else including countries like Netherlands! Did you hear about this skulduggery in the UK media? Ofc not. You either hear how good the EU is, or that UK should leave because XYZ law. Yet UK is still in EU.....
Apparently this isn't happening because is not reported by the UK media.
d) What about Assange? Complete media blackout of anything related, while all reports of torture and possible slow poisoning in UK based prison, are met with calling everyone Russian propagandist or worse.
Hell, how many know who Soleimani was except what the UK media fed them? Did anyone said that was working with the Americans against the Taliban?
Did anyone explained to the British (or US) public whom they actually fight, who kills their own solders and who is the actual enemy in ME?
Has anyone explained what is Shia and what is Sunni Islam? What Islam sect and nationality were those fighting for ISIL, on the civil wars and who backs them?
Ofc not. The average person has no idea that Sunnis are the ones who kill their own solders, kill their neighbour (in UK) through their terror attacks.
Yet somehow the Shia Iran, who fights and hates the same people is the enemy behind?
That's the post truth world we live in. And is sad that never in time the average human had the option to collect so easily the news, different point of views and make their own mind.
I could understand the average German getting fed propaganda for 6 years and fighting a war he/she believed the country was attacked. 1933-1939 though were different times when came to media, than 2010 let alone 2020. Yet people acting the same without critical thinking, consuming one sided propaganda.