RTS Strategy Advise

7 Mar 2005
Hi Peeps, been playing BFMEII recently, first RTS I've really played since Tiberiun Sun. I stopped playing that because I always got pwned in skirmish or multiplayer and now the same is happening in BFMEII and Dawn of War which I picked up the other day too.

Basically what I'm after is some basic pointers as I always seem to take far longer to get bases/troops up and running while the enemy is already taking over half the map. Anyone got any thoughts or link to a decent guide?

saint_jw said:
Hi Peeps, been playing BFMEII recently, first RTS I've really played since Tiberiun Sun. I stopped playing that because I always got pwned in skirmish or multiplayer and now the same is happening in BFMEII and Dawn of War which I picked up the other day too.

Basically what I'm after is some basic pointers as I always seem to take far longer to get bases/troops up and running while the enemy is already taking over half the map. Anyone got any thoughts or link to a decent guide?

Watch replays, copy build orders.
Dont attack some one unless its Absolutely necessary.
If they are just patrolling the Area just let them be. You dont want them to attack you for killing there people.
Sit back and build up defences and and army.
When you do attack take out the little teams first so you dont need to use too many of your army.
Sit back and let your resources grow.
And then when the big team does attack make sure you have defences they have to get through before they get to your walls and town. That way it will slow them down while you can take them out from range.
When they attack your main walls just use ranged units to take out there man and when they all die send you main army and attack there base while they are short on man.

That is of course for games set back in the middle ages like AOE to a degree Rome Total War
build dogs to kill spys
couple of harvesters
couple of warfactories
couple of tanyas
I'll definately watch some replays, i'm usually too naffed off at that stage but i'll swallow my pride and see what they're up to.
Offense is the best defense so dont just rely on your base defenses to hold off the enemy. Use your units instead although towers would be good at backing your units up.
iBot said:
build dogs to kill spys
couple of harvesters
couple of warfactories
couple of tanyas
In tiberium sun? :s

Actually in all C&C games just mass tanks... ad infinium
I used to have so much fun with modified rules.ini files in Red Alert ... guard dogs with tesla coils ... the big cruisers lobbing nuclear tipped shells across the map :)
me and my mate are addicted to it. We played the first one so this one becomes slightly natural!

If you want any tips over ts/vent add me to msn and ill guide u through!

As opposed to some peoples views on here, defensive players who turtle up and tech lose a majority of their games. It may have worked a few times but vs decent players you'll get out-resourced and forced in to a no-win situation.

If you can micromanage better you'll find your fewer units can take on their larger amounts, but overall ... practice.
Anim said:
As opposed to some peoples views on here, defensive players who turtle up and tech lose a majority of their games. It may have worked a few times but vs decent players you'll get out-resourced and forced in to a no-win situation.

If you can micromanage better you'll find your fewer units can take on their larger amounts, but overall ... practice.

Thats why you take out the smaller towns and teams and set up mini based there. That way you can take there resources aswell and your starting base/town will build up and build an army.
The little towns will aslo be an Obstacle :)
Im just not a fan of "build massive armies with massed resources". i feel attacking quickly with one or 2 upgrades of a few units works 10x better, odds are they wont be able to cope with it enough to stop you totally. by which time the next unit you just built with your increased income will be at their base to win the game.
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