Rts / turn based games

4 Dec 2002
ilkeston derbys
My 12year old wants try these games . Can you give me some idea what are the best games of these genres . He has a 8800gts640 and a e6600 . And he's playing on his tv@720p so it should run all or most games at this res .
Thanks in advance
You can pick up the Command and Conquer boxset fairly cheap now, I think i paid a tenner for "The First Decade" which includes all of the games up to Red Alert 3( i mean it doesn't have 3) They are fantastic games and i would say are a great introduction to RTS's.

The best RTS imo is Company of Heroes, but it might be a bit complicated for a 12 year old, it has a fairly steep learning curve but is very good and very tactical.

Other than that, in terms of turn-based games i would say that Civ iv is the best by a mile, again though, it might get a bit frustrating for a 12 year old, i'm not sure, it is a very deep game that can take a long time to master, but is very rewarding. Also the Settlers series is similar and might be a better bet than Civ as imo it is a littel less involved.
Warhammer 40K Dawn Of War 1 & 2 can be had for dirt cheap on Amazon at the moment.

Both great titles with plenty of expansions available to expand playability.
How about a very old game called Fallen Haven?

Quite a good game, very minimal spec required, check it out :) I used to enjoy it, though rather difficult with the computer on Hard
X-Com Apocalypse.

Can get it on steam, yes it's old but yes it's a fantastic game, i'm playing it still today.
RTS Games

The only C&C games I really liked were Red Alert and Generals. Generals was very good actually. Hated the newer ones.

Aside from the 2 games mentioned above, I would recommend Supreme Commander (the first one) and the game it was based upon, Total Annihilation.

EDIT: Oh god how can I forget: Starcraft!

Turn-Based Games

Civ 2 and Civ 5.
Definitely introduce him to Warcraft and Starcraft 2. Amazing games.

Turn based.. Civilisation 5 and Rome: Total War are both two of the best turn based games out there, and both look fairly nice.
starwars empire at war

lord of the rings battle for middle earth games

the warhammer RTS games.

Universe at war : earth assault

world in conflict
they are probably better suited to someone around 12 than the complex ones like rome total war etc that are more about stratergic gameplay and not so fast paced
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Starcraft 2 would be fun for a 12 year old, just put it on casual mode (easiest setting) when playing any story missions or custom games (the AI will just send a few units at a time).

Turn based check out King's Bounty: Armored Princess, it's one of the simpler turn based rpgs.
Starcraft 2 would be fun for a 12 year old, just put it on casual mode (easiest setting) when playing any story missions or custom games (the AI will just send a few units at a time).

Turn based check out King's Bounty: Armored Princess, it's one of the simpler turn based rpgs.

I believe SC2 also has a reduced gore option to make it more friendly for someone who's 12 :)
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