rubber mounting pins

I used the Asaka rubber mounts a lot. All I do is thread the long thin part through first, then pull it gentally until it "pops" almost into position. The pins are designed so once the pin is on so far it wont drop off. Does that help at all?
yea thats wer i got to. iive pulled them through the holes until it pops and the long dangly thin part is out the back. i dont understand how to use it to connect to the case. :)
I guess, with the rubber things pulled through the fan holes, you then offer it up to the case and pull the rubber things through the case holes until they 'pop' into place again. You went for an NZXT Phantom? What colour?

EDIT: That could work for long ones like these...


But if you have short ones like these...


...I think they'd have to go through the case holes first, then the fan.
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ive tryed it but its far too restricted because of the HDD rack just behind. wen u hold the fan into place u cant get ur fingers behind to pull thm through.

i got black.
lol i actually dont think they can work with this case

Add: i think im gonna have to use the screws from the rear fan on the front if they fit, and use the rubber pins on the rear.

Add: scrap that idea the screws are no wer near long enuff =/
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I secretly want a white Phantom - you've got me considering bling, damnit!

Is the HDD rack not removable? Tweezers?
What case do you have?

When installing them into my CM-690 II Adv, the front fan was a pain as I had the HDD tray in. I got it in in the end but it took some work. The rest just popped in.

EDIT: Just re-read the OP. Erm... The should work fine as all the pin is doing is replacing the screw. The only way I think they wouldnt work is if there wasnt a complete hole through the fan to put the rubber pin through.
nah screws wont work because they have to go through the fan to the case. its gonna take about close to an inch in length screw which i dont have :(

Add: WOW ive just noticed that nzxt have supplyed the screws if u need them for the front fan.

"slaps own head"

well i guess we have learned that you cant use rubber pins on the front of a phantom :)
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Been looking at some pics. The HDD rack looks rivetted in so maybe can't be removed, and there looks to be no way to get fingers/tools the back-side of the front case fan holes in order to pull those rubber mounts through. Oh dear - might have to use some normal screws.
I think he knows what he wants to do - the problem is access! We're talking a front fan in an NZXT Phantom. There doesn't seem to be access to go through the case (HDD bay in the way) into the fan. Manual offer no clues? Are the case holes actually threaded, in which case you just need longer screws, or are the case holes just plain holes, no threads? In that case there must be a way to get at the other side. Sure the HDD rack isn't removable?
sorry i edited my last post. even tho you have to buy a front fan for the phantom, nzxt supply screws for it wen u do. THUMBs UP nzxt ;)

yea the problem was access. the hdd rack is riveted. even if u drilled it off because u really wanted rubber pins on the front, i dont think the holes would be big enough to pull the rubber through, so dont do it :D
LOL - got there in the end! Arrrghhh looking at more white Phantom pictures - nooooooo. Resist. Reason's with self - it's the size of a wardrobe, wont fit under the desk, wife won't be hugely impressed...
it is a monster case ye.

ive been surprised at how all the hardware looks when you have it infront of you. its 100 times sexyR looking.

i mean the patriot viper looks like spikes and the blue is slightly darker than wot the picts on ocuk show. the titan fenrir evo looks smallish in the pict but its really a monster. pictures dont do these fine works of art any justice, u need them in your hands :cool:
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