Rugby League in 2025

Just about to get underway at Brutus. And of course it's bloody Kendall refereeing...


4-24. Attack wasn't at the races, defence kept getting Kendall'd at inopportune moments. We need to sharpen up. A lot.
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I think they were taking their ball home when they named that team. On the brighter side, I know one of the young lads who made his debut and he was made up.

I think Salford and Cas will both struggle this year
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Now Chris Hill off for multiple penalties conceded by Salford, terrible. Rovers not even got out of first gear, missing both our starting halves, our main full back...and Rhse Martin.
Looks like my mate is getting another run out for Salford :(

As Cas and Salford are my tips to finish bottom, it's a good chance for Cas to run up a cricket score this weekend and put a bit of distance between them. If this eventually gets sorted (and I'm not confident it will), teams will be facing a full-strength Sakford later in the season (although judging by their performance v HKR it might not make any difference)
Les Dracs finally got enough run of the ball to win a rugby match :cool: 11-0, Leeds not able to take their chances (and actually getting punished for their occasional ****-housery, marvellous concept). Here's hoping that our season now gets going.
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