Fear my skillz
looool oh you kill me
Fear my skillz
I can see what both of you are saying and I guess all I can suggest was that it was a heat of the moment thing. It can get difficult trying to diffuse a situation, especially when you 'orrible lot get going
Anyway chaps, go back to shooting each other online. It's my good friend's birthday in half an hour and I need to wrap his present and then go get him into a similar state that I am, perhaps worse. I bid you all good night, and play nice!
IIRC the store turns over 30,000,000£, so 10% is 3,000,000£
Fear my skillz
Fear my skillz
£30mil! And they still get us to make their logos? Tight gits.
Why does spie wear 2 glasses?
Why does spie wear 2 glasses?
Why does spie wear 2 glasses?
I can see what both of you are saying and I guess all I can suggest was that it was a heat of the moment thing. It can get difficult trying to diffuse a situation, especially when you 'orrible lot get going
Turnover, not profit.
Lord Sugar is disappoint.