Running a 2 ohm sub from a 4 ohm output

18 Oct 2002

I have purchsed an Alpine F345 amplifier and an Alpine dual cone 4 ohm subwoofer. The amplifier will run two speakers on channel 3/4 at 2 ohms each but will only drive a 4 ohm load when the 3/4 outputs are bridged.

I can only get 8 ohms with the sub cones wired in series and 2 ohms with the sub cones wired in parallel.

The best option would have been to go for a 2 ohm per cone sub as I could have then run them in series to create a 4 ohm load but I'd rather keep the sub I have now. I have wired up the sub as a 2 ohm load and it works but will I cause any damage to the amplifier if I continue to run it in this configuration?

Also a quick question; when you bridge a load are you doubling the voltage across it?

TIA :)
Thinking about it couldn't I just run each cone to their individual channels, thus giving a 4 ohm load on each channel? ...Actually no that's wrong because you'd have a left channel and a right channel cone in a sub. :(
yes you could damage the amp by doing that if it doesn't have any protection. You could wire each coil to each channel but you would have to get the gains matched perfectly or the coils will fight each other
Exactly my thinking, left and right imbalances wouldn't be a good idea. I guess I'll have to return the sub, that'll serve me for not researching the specifications properly beforehand!
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