Russia to leave the ISS after 2024

and if the news ppl wrote "usa wants to extend but russia doesn't" that'd at least be accurate
So let’s wind back pre Ukrainian melt down when we all got along do you think the Russians would have been more or less agreeable to an extension and building a replacement as part of a partnership?

Let’s be honest they are never going to build a station alone they simply can’t afford it! And this just smacks of more sour grapes as they have failed to conquer Ukraine and the west is doing everything it can to bankrupt there country.
Literally no different. Its clickbait. Last time im saying it.
So let’s just be clear you are saying the current global situation following Russias unprovoked invasion of Ukraine causing most of the western world to Impose crippling sanctions on Russia has no bearing on there lack of interest in prolonging the life of the ISS? Let me guess you also think the gas pipeline into Germany was really down for maintenance lol. Yes the headline is sensationalist but that is the headline writers literal job…
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