Rust - multiplayer survival from the creator of Garry's Mod

Ah fair enough, i was wondering if it was a case of the server needing more memory and encouraging donations to get that.

No mate, we dont need anything, we have a very good member base

Also the buy/sell thing is now half working, can buy wood, cloth , chicken, supply signal

The numbers are abit different for killing so we will have to figure out a happy medium for everybody
Who raided my tower base and wasted their C4 to get to the top and find nothing! not even a small stash trolololol

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Buy/sell is now working but it keeps resetting when the server restarts even thought its still set-up correctly in the config files

Have added

Wood (Buy 5) (Sell 1)
Cloth (Buy 5) (Sell 1)
Torch (Buy 10) (Sell 2)
Raw Chicken Breast (Buy 10) (Sell 2)
Supply Signal (Buy 15000)

If there is any more you want adding let me know, obv not going to be adding weapons, C4 etc
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I would agree about the metal, but It would make it much easier to craft C4 with all that available, and thats not the direction is likely to head in.

Don't forget, play vanilla rust and you don't get to buy anything, or earn $.. so I think we need to appreciate the few options we have right now, with personal airdrops being a big plus.

Thanks for your efforts again Cocky.
Who buys stone! :p

Cocky is tweaking the.prices until he finds the right balance, expect more changes if deemed necessary.
How about ability to buy limited armour and weapons? You may farm to earn enough to buy a rifle, (level par with bandits), but have you the tech kits to learn the item? Would you risk using it if you know that a death means loss of your expensive weapon?
Probably easier and quicker just to farm the metal and make one..

btw if you need one crafting for you I am sure there are plenty of people who will do it (myself included)
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