Ryanair Seat Allocation question.

They only arrive on time because they give them selfs about an extra hour on top.

So they beat their quoted flight times pretty much every time (as they constantly tell you during the flight in some whiney irish accent)
That's a good thing isn't it.
Under quote and over perform is better than the other way round
I hate companies that promise the world yet deliver nothing.
Ryanair is a cheap no frills product.
For me the plane was clean, the procedure was quick and efficient, it departed on time and arrived on time... You don't ask for more really.
The only "erk" was the constant "buy this ****ty overpriced ryanair product" bull up and down the isle multiple times per flight.

What mainly ****s it up is morons taking baggage that clearly wont fit their test equipment and then moaning like **** about it.. and believe me they are VERY strict on this so make sure your hand luggage fits well inside their stated measurements or you'll easily find yourself with a £50 bill for them to carry it and they take no **** from anyone about it.

This is my view. I have no idea why people berate them. Sure, their customer service may lack but who cares? I want to sit on a plane for x amount of hours and get to where I want to go. I'm not going to pay double, or triple the fare just to get a free meal or a smile.

I can travel with hand luggage only (I'm a man, going for 3 nights). I don't need anything but the most basic service. I will take a book, I don't need seventeenhundred films.
This is my view. I have no idea why people berate them. Sure, their customer service may lack but who cares? I want to sit on a plane for x amount of hours and get to where I want to go. I'm not going to pay double, or triple the fare just to get a free meal or a smile.

I can travel with hand luggage only (I'm a man, going for 3 nights). I don't need anything but the most basic service. I will take a book, I don't need seventeenhundred films.

Often they are not the cheapest however, I know as I fly often on business and check, but like many things (such as First Class trains with Virgin) people just assume it's cheaper elsewhere (or in standard class) and simply book because they are perceived as cheaper. When the price is the same, or more, hell when its not that much different (say 20 quid) I would rather have better customer service, more flexibility on the size of my hand luggage and more space for my legs, even if the flight is 45 minutes. I've never had luggage issues for I know their rules but I've had to pack tightly when a slightly larger bag suitable for every other regional airline would have been ideal.

You don't always get what you think you pay for, though I appreciate they sometimes can be much cheaper and in that instance worth putting up with for short hauls.
I quite agree Housey, you should always check. However I did had a jolly good look, at for this particular route (Glasgow/Prestwick/Edinburgh - Barcelona) they were by far the cheapest. They also do a 10kg hand luggage allowance which is pretty good.

I haven't actually ever found that anyone is cheaper, and I wouldn't pay £50+ just to get a smile.
This is my view. I have no idea why people berate them. Sure, their customer service may lack but who cares? I want to sit on a plane for x amount of hours and get to where I want to go. I'm not going to pay double, or triple the fare just to get a free meal or a smile.

I can travel with hand luggage only (I'm a man, going for 3 nights). I don't need anything but the most basic service. I will take a book, I don't need seventeenhundred films.

I agree with you, however I don't like how they often come across as always rhe cheapest when they add more and more fees as you go through the booking process. I will happily pay around £30ish more to fly with BA or similar over a no frills airline. I like choosing my seat, an airplane meal and customer services that aren't a pathetic joke.

I know how toffy this sounds, but the people on BA can often be less scummy/chavvy.
They don't add more fees at all, they tell you the cost of the flight at the onset. If you want to pick any extras then it'll add up (rapidly). Only idiots get 'caught out' by their 'hidden' costs. They make no bones about it.

I know that KLM & their group are now charging for particular seat reservations, so would suspect BA are also doing the same.

Scummy/chavvy? Woopdedoo, you're sitting on a plane for a short amount of time. Read your book, speak to your friends. Who cares who is around you.
Scummy/chavvy? Woopdedoo, you're sitting on a plane for a short amount of time. Read your book, speak to your friends. Who cares who is around you.

Chavs quite often choose to get intoxicated before stepping onto an aircraft and can be loud and obnoxious. It's one of the reasons I choose not to fly with Ryanair. Any time I have flown with Ryanair I have been surrounded by drunk ********. At least by flying with a carrier that prices out these people, they can be mostly avoided.

I'm sure it's not true of all Ryanair flights but why take the risk? I choose not to sit in chav pubs for 3-4 hours and pay the premium to drink elsewhere. Flying isn't much different :p

And there's also the point of personal hygiene. Whilst not limited to chavs, when you're squashed against someone who's idea of personal hygiene is a blast of Lynx Africa twice a week, that "short amount of time" can become relatively long.
It's been a while since I last booked, but IIRC they have things like credit card fees, booking fees etc? That may have changed.

I don't know about you, but I like my plane journeys to be relatively peaceful and painless. I don't want to be denied my sanity by some morons who feel the need to argue with flight attendants about rip off prices sitting next to me :/

EDIT:well said scuzi, you may want to edit the inappropriate language though :)
Ryanair has very short turnaround times, allowing them to make more flights per day.
Not allocating seats means that everyone rushes on the plane to get the good ones, thereby filling up quicker ;)

As **** an airline as it is, O'Leary's a genius and it's very efficient.
If you follow the aircraft, you can see that the planes fly many more routes a day than equivalent flag carriers.
I won't use them again after Saturdays cancellation, without any form of apology or explanation. I couldn't be bothered to collect the £5 food token...
It's been a while since I last booked, but IIRC they have things like credit card fees, booking fees etc? That may have changed.

I don't know about you, but I like my plane journeys to be relatively peaceful and painless. I don't want to be denied my sanity by some morons who feel the need to argue with flight attendants about rip off prices sitting next to me :/

EDIT:well said scuzi, you may want to edit the inappropriate language though :)

Whilst only one payment method is free (and you have to plan ahead to get it), that's the only slightly hidden fee iirc.

I've never, ever, had people argue with flight attendants on any of my flights. Be it Ryanair, KLM, Virgin, BA, Delta, Emirates, etc etc. You'll get muppets on any flight, no matter of the carrier and I haven't seen any more of them on the budget airlines. People tend to just want to get to their destination and get on with their holiday.

I'm not blindly defending Ryanair, but my point is that they offer a service. That service is to get you from A to B and nothing else. They do it well, and they tend to do it cheaply. Sure, you have to play by their rules but plenty of other services demand this.
Presumably using search engines like skyscanner gets you the best deal where ever it comes from when booking these things up.
The reason I flew Ryanair was the fact it WAS the cheapest.
As Ahleckz says, it's a means to an end at the cheapest possible price point. if that means you have to cut customer service and be a bit of a Nazi... so be it, I'll tow the line for a couple of hours to save myself the equivalent of a days diving.....
More fool those that don't IMO.
As for not flying with them due to other ******s, I actually found other carriers worse than I did this time with Ryanair, maybe if you're flying to Malaga, Ibiza, or Costa del crime et al then you are going to have to put up with the *********.
Maybe Lanzarote isn't where English chavs go to get drunk these days. :D
I won't use them again after Saturdays cancellation, without any form of apology or explanation. I couldn't be bothered to collect the £5 food token...

That's why I can't be arsed to fly with them.
I wouldn't be surprised if in their small print it said, "not guaranteed to take off."
I've never, ever, had people argue with flight attendants on any of my flights. Be it Ryanair, KLM, Virgin, BA, Delta, Emirates, etc etc. You'll get muppets on any flight, no matter of the carrier and I haven't seen any more of them on the budget airlines. People tend to just want to get to their destination and get on with their holiday.

True, you get them on all carriers but moreso on budget carriers. I fly a lot, and by a lot I mean haemorrhoid inducing amounts, and I can safely say that I encounter obnoxious chavs more often on budget airlines than others.
True, you get them on all carriers but moreso on budget carriers. I fly a lot, and by a lot I mean haemorrhoid inducing amounts, and I can safely say that I encounter obnoxious chavs more often on budget airlines than others.

Meh. The price difference is usually to great for me to worry about that gamble. As I said, and as Fuzz agrees, they provide a service which they do reasonably well and usually do for a fine price.

People seem to think that airlines should provide all sorts of bells and whistles (just look at the amount of threads worrying about IFE). Whereas, others want transport from A to B. I'm easily capable of ignoring 'obnoxious chavs', but if people want to spend £xx more on a non-budget airline fair play. I'd prefer to put up with a few hours of potential uncomfortableness and have more spending money.

Different strokes, and all.

Plus, I'm one of these really annoying people on flights who starts chatting to whoever gets to sit next to me. :D
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