And thats with another air cooler right? Surely this Arctic Cooler 34 isn't THAT BAD that I'm gettng an additional 20c on a lower voltage than yourself? Also curious, the cpu doesn't throttle itself even at 95c.... frequency and voltage remains the same...
No, its this.... cost me £45
I'm locked to the 65 Watt TDP, notice FFT is at 100% and the volts are down from 1.39 to 1.30, its throttling to keep in TDP, i have only seen this in Prime95, just now...
Because you're overclocked your power cap is much higher, ergo higher temps.
Prime95 is a so called power bug software, any real workload will not stress the CPU this high so i wouldn't worry about it, what are your temps in something like a Handbreak conversion?