Hi, so I am at the stage where I am going to be buying a new gaming PC, I'm wanting to upgrade pretty much everything in my current set up, so much so I'm thinking of just selling my current PC and buying a whole new build as then I can put that money that I get towards my new PC.
Anyway, I am going to be using it pretty much just for gaming, I currently have an i5 3570k but that stutters on more CPU intensive games like Arma, Rust etc. I have heard that Ryzen does well at providing very smooth gameplay? I know that I may not get as many frames as I would with the i7 but for me smoothness is just as big of a factor as frames, my current i5 stutters a lot in certain games so I really want to eliminate that if I upgrade.
I like the fact that Ryzen will allow me to upgrade more easily in the future as well, I wont have to change motherboards etc so that is a big plus for me but I've read that i7 7600/7700 really are what you should be getting if you're using your PC just for gaming.
Obviously the price of Ryzen 5 1600 is great as well but my question is, is it a big enough performance boost to justify upgrading my CPU from an i5 3570k? Will it be smoother? If not then I'd rather pay more money to go for the i7's or the the Ryzen 7 1700.
So confused on what I should go for, as you can probably tell haha. I should add that currently I play only at 1080p 144hz but somewhere down the line I will be getting a 1440p screen so that should come in to play with my decision as well.
I was also thinking of pairing it with a GTX 1080 or 1070 or maybe an RX 580 depending on what the performance is like when it comes out.
Sorry for rambling on but I really need some advice. Would appreciate any help.