as to some saying but it plays everything okay or acceptable ! some games are upto 20-30 fps better.thats a huge graphics card jump for eg at any resolution.
if i said to you. you want to play battlefield 1 at 150 fps or 200 you would pick the 200.even if its ten fps more if you a gamer you are going to go with the higher figure.which is intel.
I'm not seeing any evidence of that at higher resolutions, 3440x1440 and 4K, accompanied by the likes of a GTX 1080, far from it in fact. The bigger swings are at 720P (which is just stupid, who plays at that?) and 1080P. Come a certain point, bottleneck will be the GPU, not CPU, making it a more level playing field than you suggest. And that doesn't even take in to account the inevitable improvements we will see in the coming months with BIOS updates, game engine optimisation improvements etc.