Terrible PR stunt. A tortoise with a 1TB hard drive strapped to its back plodding between rooms would be quicker than a LAN connection.
An upload speed of 582K/sec is not common in the UK either so the UK also has 'slower than pigeon' broadband, using the same 'logic' as the BBC. Muppets.
(assuming you meant KB when you said Kb)
It's a publicity stunt, not a scientific experiment.
i s'pose it could be misleading to a few people, but majority they know it just a BS stunt, no?
The company who performed the stunt are both protesting against the low throughput provided to them by their Internet service provider — highlighting a serious issue in South Africa and other developing countries — and seeking a more viable method of going about their business. Through this stunt their protests have succeeded in becoming newsworthy.Sure, but why is the BBC providing the publicity free of charge and releasing misleading 'news' articles?
Daily Mail said:Unlimited Group boss Kevin Rolfe said: 'It might sound crazy in this day and age, but we're always looking for new ways to move our business forward and we think this might just work.
'For years we've struggled with the internet as a method of communication. It's fine for emails and correspondence, but we need to transfer a lot of data from office to another and find it often lets us down.
'To send four gigabytes of encrypted information takes around six hours on a good day. If we get bad weather and the service goes down then it can up to two days to get through.
'We started looking at other ways to solve the problem and discovered that carrier pigeons could do the job a lot more quickly.'
If the first pigeon flight is a success bosses will employ Winston and some of his friends to make a weekly trip between the firm's two offices.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/wor...on-carry-data-transfer--faster-broadband.html
There is an RFC specification for IP over carrier pigeons.
There is an RFC specification for IP over carrier pigeons.
Of course, African swallows are non-migratory....