Saints Row The Third

29 May 2012
Hello all,

My system spec:
Processor: Bulldozer FX-4 Quad Core 4100 3.60GHz
Motherboard: Asus M5A78L=M LX
RAM: 8GB Kingston Hyper X Ram
GPU: 1GB GeForce GTX 560TI -Asus

I have tried to run it on the setting and its still really laggy! offline and online. After looking at temperature using Speccy they seems to be normal,Window Task Manager to see how much memory and CPU usage i am using and once again both seems good. Cpu 75% Ram: 4.5GB

Anyone had this problem? and know how i could fix it?

Thank you!
Thank you for your post! I have tried dx9 and dx11. dx9 ran a little more smoother than dx11 but still unplayable.

I have check my graphic driver and its all update!! i though the same tbh thats why i wrote this post to see if its was only me!
update: i used the software called NVIDIA GeForce Experience and used the optimal setting part, still a little lag but much better! anything else i could try?
Hello :)

Other games i have played works fine :) on max setting most of them or high!

I have verify integrity of games chache

I have never had this problem before so i think my PSU is giving my GPU enough power.

I have try an re-install of directx

I am using Comodo and MSE, putting Comodo into gaming mode. dont know if thats right?

I have changed window power and still the same.

Its playing a lot better! but if i go outside its become a little laggy but much better than before, i have not had a go at the online yet but will test it tomorrow and let you know about it.
Thank you all for your posts

i have done that in the properties and it has help a little, I have drop some of them last night from what the software changed but i will see if i can low them more.its not 4.5gb thats everything not just the game Smogsy.

Though you had the right to know guys.I have been playing Saints Row:The Third for a few days and other games, they are running like a dream!!
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