Salary mess up!

8 Dec 2004
Paignton, Devon
Help! My company are playing silly with my new salary.

I get paid monthly therefore my annual wage is split into 12. I promoted in the middle of april about £2000 a year more in my annual wage. When I got my payslip the basic pay bit before tax was only £6-7 more than what I got the month previous.

They are saying it's correct as they are working out my daily rate and applying that to the 7 days at my old salary and 13 days at my new salary.

What i'm trying to explain to work is that if your salaried each month they need to work it out differently as there is always a different amount of working days in a month but never more than 12 months in one year.

How do i get them to understand that it is wrong! It's only about £100 difference but it's a lot of money to us at the moment.

Does your contract, or employee handbook or terms and conditions state how your pay is calculated.

Where I work we have a thing which shows (among other things) in detail how pay is calculated etc.

Refer to that to see if they are doing it right or not.
Colbaker said:
What i'm trying to explain to work is that if your salaried each month they need to work it out differently as there is always a different amount of working days in a month but never more than 12 months in one year.
I wouldn't go shooting my mouth off. I often hear the girls in payroll explaining stuff to clients about working out the daily rate and monthly rate, etc... I don't understand it, but as long as the company is using its standard method of calculating monthly salaries there isn't much you can do.

Ask the payroll dept exactly what days are included in the payroll calculation, and what rates are used. Then calculate it yourself and see if it makes sense.
Yeah understand what your saying, but i'm not paid each month by the daily rate times the number of days worked i'm paid by my annual salary divided into 12. Therefore the calculation is incorrect but i have no way of calculating the correct payment i should have received. Other than taking my new daily rate and finding the difference between my old one and timesing that by 13 days worked at my new rate!
But what we are saying is not to assume that just because normally your pay is 1/12 of you annual amount that any increase should be worked out the same. You need to find out the way your company officially calculate increases in pay from part way through a month.
Hmm, i don't think that your point re: the number of days in a working month has anything to do with the price of fish mate, but i do think you are being shortchanged somewhere.

£2000 on top of your gross p.a. = £167 up per month

£167*13/20 = £108 more for that month.

how £6-7 quid can be right its beyond me :confused:
she'ed only pay the higher rate on the amount over that band tho, so unless shes earning millions and being taxed at 94% then I think somthings fishy
could you not be paid partially in arrears and some in advance (I think I am) each month, if that was the case the small increase this month may be correct and next mon th you will see a full increase.

Thinking about it my pay rises are always effective from the 1st April yet I am paid on the 21st so my pay would be calculated at the two rates
Steve said:
could you not be paid partially in arrears and some in advance (I think I am) each month, if that was the case the small increase this month may be correct and next mon th you will see a full increase.

Thinking about it my pay rises are always effective from the 1st April yet I am paid on the 21st so my pay would be calculated at the two rates

This is how I used to be calculated and I had a similar problem working out what I was entitled to when I got a pay rise. To make it even more confusing we were paid 13 times a year. Once a month but twice in december...
Steve said:
could you not be paid partially in arrears and some in advance (I think I am) each month, if that was the case the small increase this month may be correct and next mon th you will see a full increase.

Thinking about it my pay rises are always effective from the 1st April yet I am paid on the 21st so my pay would be calculated at the two rates
Mine's the same. 1 week in advance I think.

If you ask them for an email detailing how they worked it all out, they should be happy to provide. Must be more productive than shouting at them down the phone :)
Colbaker said:
They are saying it's correct as they are working out my daily rate and applying that to the 7 days at my old salary and 13 days at my new salary.

What i'm trying to explain to work is that if your salaried each month they need to work it out differently as there is always a different amount of working days in a month but never more than 12 months in one year.

Well, the way I see it is, even employees who are salaried yearly receive the same monthly pay each month (yearly salary/12), regardless of how many days there are in each month.

Furthermore, the hourly rate is simply calculated in the same way, based on the yearly salary, officially you don't get paid a different hourly rate based on how many days(hours) there are in the month, even though your monthly salary is the same each month.

What I'm driving at is that your pay will likely be whatever the AVERAGE hourly salary is for each payscale, multiplied by the number of hours you worked at that rate.

I.e. 7 days (49 hours?) at old hourly rate plus 13 days (91 hours?) at new hourly rate.

Then again I'm probably talking out of my arse, because theoretically this could mean that people get paid too much if they worked switched jobs in a long month. e.g. only 1 day at old rate and 22 days at new rate. Hmmmmmmm.

I think I'll shut up now.
Actually have just checked it and it is £3.65 more this month than last month, It is worked out wrong as all my pa slips state the same basic salary, say for instance £1800 now this months salary states i have £1803.65 even after working 13 days at my new salary, If i were to work it out at a daily rate the way that my company has then it would come to about £1600 this month (which would be less than every other month before the wage rise and promotion ), there is no doupt in my mind that i have been short changed it's just trying to tell them that as it is complicated.

Cheers for the reply's by the way.
Colbaker said:
Actually have just checked it and it is £3.65 more this month than last month, It is worked out wrong as all my pa slips state the same basic salary, say for instance £1800 now this months salary states i have £1803.65 even after working 13 days at my new salary, If i were to work it out at a daily rate the way that my company has then it would come to about £1600 this month (which would be less than every other month before the wage rise and promotion ), there is no doupt in my mind that i have been short changed it's just trying to tell them that as it is complicated.

Cheers for the reply's by the way.
You'll probably find that it all gets sorted in next months' pay cheque. It usually does. No harm in checking with them though :)
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