Salting your steaks...

Got a couple of nice rump steaks salting in the fridge since lunch ready for tea, can't wait. Fire up the BBQ, steak, home made chips and the missus amazing home made coleslaw and a cheeky bottle (or two) of Veuve Clicquot (inspired after the recent bbq & bubbles thread!)
I thought that if the quality of the steak is poor then that's when salting really benefits, otherwise just a little bit of salt for seasoning is fine.
In my haste to eat the damn things I keep forgetting to take pictures :p


Salting improves a bog standard steak by a huge magnitude. FAR less juice comes out during cooking and it's tender as anything. I'm salting on a plate at room temp at least an hour before cooking
Picked up a lovely looking dry aged AA sirloin in Waitrose last night (heavily reduced!). Reckon I should try this method or would it be overkill given it's already lost a lot of moisture?
Heston Blumenthal did a masterclass on Masterchef Australia last week where he showed how he cooks a steak, he didn't get into any of the seasoning before cooking as he says he seasons after.

Was quite interesting, he says he turns the fan on full heat about 5 minutes before cooking and lets the oil get smoking hot. Then he puts the steak in and turns it every 30 seconds until it is done. He said the quick turning provides a better more even heat through the steak.

It did look good and very even when he cut into it.
Ha, 3 day fridge aged sirloins cook stupidly quickly, I did 1 minute per side and it was well done, witchcraft!

Makes sense, less moisture to burn off, more heat directly in to the meat, 30 seconds each side next time.
Got some Morrisons Dry Aged Rib Eye that I salted about an hour ago which I hope to cook around half 7 - shall see what the results are like! :)
Last time I was out in the states, my aunt cooked a steak dinner and used this stuff on the steaks before BBQing them:


They were so awesome I bought myself this massive tub to bring home. I've yet to actually cook myself a steak with it, but have used it on other meats. Next time I have a steak, I'll use this and report back with pictures etc..

Anyone else used it, or tried any other seasoning salts or rubs?

Just to let people know.. I just bought the exact same tub from Costco. Like I said In previous post you can buy from the bay for about £13.50 a tub delivered. But its only £4.49 a tub at Costco. Will grab some steak on Friday after work and report back :D
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