Same itunes lib between 2 users?

5 Jan 2008
Hello guys, I am going to be getting an imac in a few months for my GF and no doubt I will use it as well.

I have a 120gb itunes folder on my current machine and I would like to know if its possible to use this library between 2 users on an imac.

Or would each user account have to have their own itunes folder?

Thanks guys,
It's easy - I've got it set up on my machine. Put your Itunes folder in the shared users directory so you can both access it, then place aliases in each users home directory that point to the shared one. Job done.
When you say itunes folder do you mean the music or the actual application.

On our home setup I have the central lib on mine and we make all purchases through that. It is then shared on the network. My other half uses her own itunes and librairy but access the central shared lib.
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