Thanks man, although it was last February!
Thanks man, although it was last February!
Thanks man, although it was last February!
Hmm…., I’ll be on that later…Have you checked your partner out in that time, like PROPERLY checked them out? As some of your relatives seem confused and doubting Thomas's as to exactly what you've got yourself involved with...
Happy Christmas Scania, drive carefully.
cmon bruh..
To be fair, they do have a point though. I even thought this myself when getting a few cards over the last year or so.
why do people buy cards
Christmas cards are a waste of money, time and resources. Even those using recycled paper are simply just creating more stuff to be thrown away or recycled. Cut out the middleman and don't bother. Send someone a text instead or better still, talk to them.Should have stopped there. Utterly pointless things.
Thanks for rightly presuming that I might chip my 2 cents in Chris, imbéciles précipitent, or fools rush in if you prefer.
I think that the problem stems from the fact that the vast majority of English people are familiar with the word fiance as in the person to whom one is engaged.
Where it possibly falls down is that they’re unaware of the subtle difference between fiancé (masculine), and fiancée, (feminine), perhaps it would be better if in U.K. we all stuck with fiance, no accents, one size fits all.
All I see is £15 wasted
Cards need banning tbh, it's a waste of resources. Sits on a shelf for a couple of weeks and then in to the bin.
i agreeBy that logic we also need to ban newspapers, books, games, dvds, etc.