Samsung 830 or Intel 520

22 Dec 2002
Hey all,

I can't seem to find a conclusive answer on this, but would you go for the intel 520 180gb or the samsung 830 256gb drive? Performance seems similar, however the intel has the better warranty :confused:

Thanks :)
Can either of you suggest a decent pciex sata 6 controller? I have marvel on my board and its meant to be absolute pants - I'd rather connect it to sata 2 than that port.
Just found the 180gb 520 for 209.99 with £10 off, 2% cashback and then intels £38.

Sold I think :) £157.99 for 180gb which equates to 87p a gig :)
Morning mate,

I've still got P55a at the minute (Gigabyte UD7). I was intending on buying the ssd and then upgrading when the new IB stuff comes out :) About to pull the trigger on the ssd order too, just hope the retailer is reliable still as I haven't used them in years!
Do you not qualify for free postage at ocuk yet? The place I'm getting mine from has free postage over x value and £10 voucher code... have to see how long they take to deliver.
Hey mate,

Did you get your ssd yet? I still haven't bitten the bullet! Price difference and capacity difference has got me undecided!

Intel works out to be £157.99 for 180gb
Samsung works out to be £216.55 for 256gb

Both the prices obviously being with cashback. I like Intels reliability track record, but the samsung appears to be better value for money to me. (Even if it is only a few pence per gb)!
Hey mate,

I missed out on the spring10 promotion so haven't ordered anything yet. Just put a vertex 2 60gb drive in my laptop and apart from boot up time it hasn't impressed me :(

Sure IE etc open a bit faster but I'm not sure I can justify £200 for that - gutted tbh as I really wanted one!
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