Samsung 850 EVO (SATA6) - 4K + IOPS down by as much as 80%

11 Oct 2010

I have a 250GB Samsung 850 EVO (SATA6Gbps) which I have had for about 4 years, during this time it has had 40TB of writes (75% were within the first 2 years - optimized it 2 years ago and reduced writes by approx 75% - mostly through disabling hibernate and using a portable Opera browser in a RAM drive), the drives 4K and IOPS performance is severely hampered, up until recently I used to get an AS SSD score of 1080 and now scores 600

The system is fully SSD optimized following Samsung Magician instructions for the most part, HIBS and Win10 Telemetry disabled, Windows Search/prefetch is disabled, Indexing and compression is disabled.

My SSD is only about 30% full, it has 10% set aside for Over-Provisioning and I run Windows 10 on a Quad-Core i5 (Ivy Bridge) with 12GB RAM (RAPID off), I have tried forcing TRIM and various tools and even new/old/3rd party AHCI/IaStor drivers which yield the same results?

The SSDlife Pro program reports no issues and excellent health - with a life expectancy of another 8 years, SMART data is below

Should I start looking for a new SSD?

also, what is the current 'go-to' SSD brand/model? is it still Samsung Pro..?

thanks in advance

Speed FAN Analysis ->

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Driver issues maybe, 40Tb is nothing. Do you have the latest firmware installed on the drive?

The system is fully SSD optimized following Samsung Magician instructions for the most part, HIBS and Win10 Telemetry disabled, Windows Search/prefetch is disabled

I've never worried about that. SSDs are made for it. The advice to disable all mannor of windows things goes back to the early days of SSds where certain controllers would baulk under the load. it's irrelevant these days.
yeah latest FW is installed, Ive installed ALL default drivers and result is slightly better but it still shows a drop on the read performance, ive managed to get it up from 600 to 850-900, I usually test the drive with AS-SSD every month, I run an SSD Optimize pass on PerfectDisk to sort out the free space for write speeds, then force TRIM via the ForceTRIM app, usually I get 1050-1100 on AS-SSD, this month however it has dropped sharply

I know the drive has plenty of life left in it - well according to the SMART data it has anyway.

Im looking to perhaps get a PCIe x4 M.2 adapter and installing a NVMe drive (at some-point) - could you recommend an adapter and drive? what is the current 'go-to' drive? I know Samsung's Pro range was the bees knees - is this still the case>?

I recall my first SSD experience with Marvell drivers....ouch!
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