Samsung 970 Evo Plus Boot drive

1 Jan 2017
Anyone else using one of these to boot into windows 10?

Im getting into windows around 19seconds... thought i would get into windows quicker than that.

Played with loads of options on the b550 Gigabyte F10.

At this time Fast boot is on with Usb devices disabled on boot. Probably takes 10 seconds to get passed the Bios screen. Is Gigabytes bios realy that slow to get passed?

Thanks in advance!
With these drives limit is not the drive, usually the board, BIOS etc. Usually boot time will be no quicker with the drive vs a normal SSD as limit is elsewhere.

Yes use these drives as main boot drive in couple of different rigs. My main X299 Rig can take 30 seconds with all its checks, while my z390 Itx board is in within 9 seconds. Identical drives, just nature of the initialisation process varying.

Ahh i see. I was thinking maybe a seperate option had to be set in the Bios or messing with things in windows but i know its not the OS, just seems like i get the logo screen come up and its got the circle loading bit taking its time.

Maybe the next Bios update should speed things up somewhat. Dont really want to install bios ver F11p just yet!
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