Samsung 980 pro bad sectors

23 Feb 2009

Just looking for some advice.

My pc started to throw out errors when trying to move files on my drives.

I quick scanned my primary 980 and no error. Did a full scan using Samsung magician, and had over 60 bad sectors and wouldnt go past 40% after 12hrs.

Tried booting into chkdsk and that also showed the bad sectors and would stick at around the same stage.

I formatted the drive and sent it back to the retailer for rma, they have got back to me saying there is no fault and will send it back to me.

I'm hoping they only did quick scan, so I have asked them to try again with a full scan.

I did a format of the drive before sending it back. Will it be the case that the formatting may have "hidden" the problem?

I need a drive I can trust, and will be concerned that I am just accepting return of a drive that is starting to fail and will in the near future.

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