Samsung Customer service awful.

DasFruitMachine said:
Well if it's any consolation I won't be buying any samsung stuff in future due to this thread.

It is a consolation my friend. Anything I can do to save you the hell I am experiencing now is doing us both a favour.


So I finally got a supervisor to call me back on Thursday. He promised me he would send me a loaner and that it would arrive at some point on Friday. He even e-mailed me with a confirmation that it had been sent. Guess what? No monitor.

These guys are truly unbelievable.

cavemanoc said:
What did your lawyer say? If you don't want to spend any cash the CAB have advisers that will talk you through the Small Claims process free of charge - might be worth popping into your local one - you have more than enough of a paper trail now to stop playing their game!

Their game is over on Monday. I have issued them with a one day ultimatum on the advice of my counsel. Basically I have told them that I want a cheque for the full price of the monitor (incl VAT) that is to be dispatched on Monday by courier. If they do not comply, proceedings will be initiated against them and I have a friend in the press who will write a story about how Samsung treats disabled customers.

They were warned.

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MatzeR said:
awww *****.

I wish i had read this before I i went shopping.

Was recently shopping around for a new monitor.

Decided on the Samsung SyncMaster 940BF 19".

Arrived, And on the 2nd day of use, I noticed a dead pixel dead centre of the screen, And the thing was Ghosting like mad, Something i had never noticed on my previous 17" Office world 'Vizitron'

So much for a 2ms monitor.

I went though the online forms on the retailing site, to arrange a RMA. They're coming out on monday for it.

Seriously looking forward to messing about with them now >.<.

heh, The one time i DONT buy from OCUK. and its defective. All for the sake of a few ££ saving.

I feel your imminent pain. :mad:


PS : Luckily you are still covered by the distance selling act mate. If it is less than 7 days you can get a full refund.
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Mr Latte said:
Its tough yes and frustrating...

However the attitude you show here if thats the attitude you use then DEMANDING wont get you anywhere. At the end of the day your dealing with people and its here were some tact is required.

First of all you ask / dont demand, you be polite but firm and you get the name of someone thats best to deal with the situation. Also remember its not going to get sorted immediately. Sorry but 1-2 months could be a reasonable replacement time, although i agree i would want a new model considering its only two months old.

You guys seem to have no idea on the volume of "returns" involved with electrical/brown goods, its true Samsungs strenghs are not in its returns and this includes retaillers trying to be credited for faulty goods.

If your the nasty type then go to a local dealer (large electrical store perhaps best) Purchase another by cash, do a switch and go back for a refund. Its not very nice on the store but this is known to happen, if the staffs as daft as most of the large electrical stores youll get away with it...

If you dont your in more bother....

Joking aside i hope you get sorted soon.

I've been polite and tactful up until my last e-mail (and even it was polite, just worded firmly). Here is what I got for my trouble :

1st - Was told 1-5 days for swap out.

Nothing Happened!

2nd - Was told it would be sorted out in "a day or so".

Nothing happened!

3rd - Was promised a temporary loan monitor. (was even sent an E-mail confirming it had been dispatched)

Nothing happened!

4th - Was promised numerous callbacks.

Nothing happened!

So how long should I put up with their nonsense for? I'm not trying to be rude to you but that attitude just makes it easier for these guys to do this type of thing.

1-2 months? Are you joking? The law allows them 30 days to provide a new replacement (Or comparable alternative), repair or a refund. This is a £500.00 monitor that I bought less than 2 months before it stopped working.

I won't be lied to and I wont be made a fool of. I didn't pay £500.00 to be fobbed off by Samsung. They said 1-5 day swap out and many other things and not one of them has been true so far. Please yourself if you are willing to wait 1-2 months while being constantly lied to about the status of your replacement. There are other companies out there that do honour their warranty obligations to customers. Samsung would do well to follow their examples.

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Mr Latte said:
If your that mad order another and send back your faulty one to the place you bought it.

Tell them everything you went through and that your not accepting it...

Try dealing with OcUK after 7 days. All they'll do is tell you to go to the manufacturer. I don't think you've been through this somehow. I appreciate the things you are saying but I would prefer that you do not refer to my frustration as "blabbing".


PS : The problem is you seem unaware of the actual legalities concerning this (or I am being badly misinformed). OcUK does not provide warranty. They are only bound by the distance selling act AFAIK. I have contacted them and they basically told me its not their problem.
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Mr Latte said:
If you got it here then blabbing on here is and has not helped you. If anything expect to see the thread get shut down.

Im sure the companies policies for returns are posted quite clearly on this site.
If you have been told to go the long road and deal with it yourself then your choice to shop elsewhere in the future is yours.

As for me not being aware or in this situation before, let me tell you at one stage several years ago i gave this company over 5k sales in a year and had a non-replacement situation with a £299 graqphics card, how was i dealt with like you i wsnt getting a replacement and it could be sent to the manufacturer, bla bla bla.

3 Years on I still have it here and it makes a nice but expensive paperweight, but in the end ive leant to shop elsewhere with better support, that my choice, i got over it.

Well, I e-mailed them twice and both times they told me they could do nothing. I did some research and that seemed true. If I find out it's not the case, I will never shop at OcUK again. I have spent £7k there in the last year. I'm sure there are those who have spent double or triple that but its still a fair amount.

I have not "hurt" my case at all because the problem with the monitor is not dead pixels. It is a line that runs the vertical length of the screen and is a dark shade of purple.

Nothing I have said here has compromised my position. If the liability falls on OcUK (which I still don't think it does) then they will be held accountable.

Mr Latte said:
Talk to OCuk again, they should at least try and get someone to contact you or advise you to contact a certain person that may be able to actually deal with the problem.

Thanks for the advice mate, have a great weekend!

cavemanoc said:
/Rant off

There is a fantastic site Here that gives you some very useful information on your rights, and more importantly advises on how to proceed with your claim in a practical manner (they'll even do it for you ;) )

I found this in their electronics section relating to an online retailer, so probably apy in this case (no it wasn't OcUK whom I have to say I've always had good experiences with :D )

Please, please, please have a good read of the info on their site, it is very accurate/relevant/informative and the more of us that use this kind of approach the more manufacturers/retailers will realize that they cannot get away with shoddy service!

Looks like I have been chasing the wrong people.

cavemanoc said:
Yeah - you really should have been dealing with the supplier, but now that you are dealing direct with the manufacturer just keep going - the choice of whom to pursue is yours, but now that you've got history with Samsung, stick with it!

You are probably right. Samsung don't really have a leg to stand on now. I have a lot of evidence against them.


After a lot of wrangling I have obtained what I consider to be a fair resolution from Samsung. Since they were unable to replace my 215TW and wanted me to go through OcUK for a refund, we settled on a 244T (24").

I was going to flog it TBH, but I really like it. Seems to be way better than my 215TW. I have a feeling the 215TW wasnt right from the beginning as the 244T is suppposed to have a slower response time and seems more responsive for some strange reason.

I am happy with the outcome and even though there was a lot of unnecessary screwing around on the part of Samsung, they did solve the problem and I am satisfied with my 24" monitor.

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lowrider007 said:
WOW, I'm having problems with samsung regarding a 215TW also, it's been going on for nearly 6 weeks now, the last call I had off them a couple of days ago was explaining that they are in the process of trying to find a resolve,

I must say that your post has got me very excited, I'll settle for a 244T anyday of the week, defo gonna get them on the blower in the morning and try and push for another screen, wish me luck :D

Good luck mate. I find the best way to deal with them is firm but polite and don't give up. If they tell you they are going to callback at 3:00 p.m. and they don't, call back at 3:10 p.m. Make it clear you are not going to go away until the problem is fixed.

Purely out of curiosity, what is the problem with your 215TW?

cavemanoc said:
Awesome result - nice to see a bit of perseverence paying off - hope you make the most of that shiny new monitor!

I love it. I really believe there was something wrong with my 215TW from Day 1. The 244T is brilliant.

lowrider007 said:
the main issue was that the left hand side of the screen is a fair bit brighter than the right, plus banding and also the input lag makes it nearly impossible playing fps games online.

What I find very weird is that the advertised response time of the 215TW is 8ms. The 244T is supposed to be anywhere from 10-16ms but I really find that it is FAR better than the 215TW. It's very strange.

garyh said:
Well - after a long haul with LG I can also report they've pulled through :)

They replaced the panel inside my original monitor with a new one, which is dead pixel free!! :D It arrived today...

So it's good news all round then :D

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