Samsung Spec confusion - 913n vs 940n ?

18 Oct 2002
The Samsung website is pretty useless at allowing direct comparison between the specs of their multitude of monitors...

Can anyone simply tell me what the differences are between the SM913n and the SM940n ? Which is likely to be the best ? I'm looking for a narrow bezel, and decent D-SUB performance.
Just to give you an idea of my problem :D

the similarities there are because both are using the same Samsung 8ms TN Film panel! (the LTM190EX-L01) ;) Check out the pictures to see how they compare in regards to looks, but they both look pretty similar (note: the "913N" they show on thier site is not what it actually looks like, i think they may have these two the wrong way round)


They list this as the 913N, in reality the 913N looks like this:


not 100% sure what thye 940N looks like, google images isn't much help either.

I would be very surprised if you can tell any difference between the two in performance, just go with whichever you can get cheaper and more easily :)
From any pictures I can find the 940 has a slimmer bezel, so I think I'm going for that to improve the dual monitor performance.
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