samsung spinpoint or seagate 7200.9 for raid 0

25 Oct 2004
hey guys, i would have gone for the seagates was it not that i read that the 7200.9's are slower than the 7200.10's which you cant get in 80gb which is what im after. so, which out of the samsungs and seagates is going to quicker speeds in raid 0
Seagate then. But Hitachi do a better 80GB SATA2 drive for raid with 8.5ms seek.

There really isn't a great deal in it to be honest.
i really cant decide whether to go raid or just with a 74gb raptor. dont know if i can be bothered with hassle of raid, thats if it is any. is new to me, but raptors are so much more and raid is prob quicker anyway
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