Samsung SpinPoint T HD401LJ 400GB SATA-II 16MB Cache - OEM

1 Dec 2005
Stoke on Trent
Anyone got one of these?

I was thinking of getting one, patitionning it into 2 drives and using the two partitions as my XP and Vista boot disks then using my current 250Gb samsung as storage
i have 1, its very good. quieter and cooler than the maxtor +10 300gig it shares a case with. about equal for speed, maxtor perhaps a bit faster.

had to set the sata150 jumper on it to avoid cold-boot issues on abit AX8 (some fort of oddity with the via chipset)

so if you get it and have any trouble, try jumpering it.
Got the HD400LJ only very slightly slower average read/write than my 7200.10, and runs much quieter and about 5c cooler
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