
7 May 2006
bought a 300GB ide earlier in the week to go with my new icybox Nas 2000.

I bought one because I remember I had a 160GB Samsung Sata that was quieter then my Western Digitals, and certainly maxtors as your about to read.

I have the icy box next to my mac mini, underneath the mac mini in the same style housing (mac power enclosure) is a 300gb Maxtore IDE, the difference is noise from the 2 enclosures is incredible.

The samsung sounds like a heart beating and the maxtor sounds like you have a roll of bubble wrap in your hands and your constantly twisting it most of the time.

They might not bring out the largest hardrives or the new technologies that supposedly give you 2x performance (in reality its like 10%, and thats if your mobo supports them), but if you just want plain old quiet

SAMSUNG is still the way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
I think any above the 200gb in size are based on a newer tech which is much quieter. Got a 250gb one and have never heard it. Then again i do have a 74gb raptor so i wouldn't :p

I was wondering if anyone knew if Samsung have the same reputation with their laptop drives?
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