Samurize script for Seti?

Got it!
It's the user_info.sah file that seti driver or the cli isn't writing to properly. If you delete the WU you've got, then start up the cli again, it'll ask for ya email address etc, (and I had to do this a couple of times), it'll eventually write to the user_info.sah file, and off it'll go and your stats will be sorted :)

There's mine.
Thanks for most of the icons go to Arun, the rest came from his links.
With some editing in photoshop ;)

Thanks m8!

No sign of life in the Seti stats thing though :(

Edit: Now get 0%, pic update on it's way

Edit2: icons changed now..can't remember where the hell i got them
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Spankin desktop tolien72, looks very nice. (It's made me re-download samurize to have another play)

Just as an aside where you [and some others] have

A Temperature: [figure]oC


Rather than using oC if you hold ALT and type 167 on the numeric keypad you will get the degree symbol (If of course you want it)

A Temperature: [Figure]ºC


Now ya gonna tell me you wanted it like that :) But may be of use to some others anyways...

Here's another question.
I've got samurize on me laptop now (pic soon), and it says for laptop status "error(charging). Why the hell does it say error?
Originally posted by tolien72
Here's another question.
I've got samurize on me laptop now (pic soon), and it says for laptop status "error(charging). Why the hell does it say error?

Sorry mate, would love to help you with that one, but can't as I don't have a laptop. :(
Send me a cheque for £1500, I'll buy a Toshiba Centrino, run Samurize and tell you the results!


Could you possibly send me that 1600x1200 desktop to:

arun at burninghorizons dit net
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