San andreas, is there a patch/hack to make vehicles ( ai) appear earlier and disappea

27 Oct 2005
Is there, for GTA:San andreas, a patch/hack/mod to make vehicles ( ai) appear earlier and disappear later than the default values?

I'm tired seeing stuff like this (empty highways) when looking over a cliff:

I know of the 10x view distance mod, but that's only for the terrain, and it makes the game crash on top of mt. chiliad. So is there some kind of mod that makes cars spawn a lot further ( ie. about 5 times as far), and disappear about later/further away too?

Also really hope GTA:IV has better spawn distance, tired of stuff popping up out of nowhere or seeing empty roads when overlooking from a hill for example or when flying .
I really hope they do too, for all 3 games in 3D (GTA3, VC, SA) there has been a problem with the draw distance. You can race down a road and sometimes its low textured (like it would be if you flew over it) or its not drawn at all and you just float over nothing.

That happens in all 3 of those games, needs to get it sorted. I understand it on the PS2 maybe because of its power, but the PC ones should not have this problem. Or this problem with empty loads.
Tom1138 said:
I really hope they do too, for all 3 games in 3D (GTA3, VC, SA) there has been a problem with the draw distance. You can race down a road and sometimes its low textured (like it would be if you flew over it) or its not drawn at all and you just float over nothing.

That happens in all 3 of those games, needs to get it sorted. I understand it on the PS2 maybe because of its power, but the PC ones should not have this problem. Or this problem with empty loads.

That what you describe didn't happen for me since ages, I renember this happened in the early days, when i still had a 6600GT and a p4 @ 3ghz, but on my crrent spec's I never had this problem again, My guess is try it on a higher spec pc, my problem is the pop-up distance of ai vehicles driving around.
But all my roads etc draw fine in all 3 games, long before I drive on it.
You can try the 10x draw distance yourself but a warning, it crashes the game when you get above a certain height, about 3/4th of the height of mt. chilliad.

Still desperate for ai's vehicles to pop up a lot sooner and disappear later than they are now.
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Well the GTA games were being held back by the PS2 for so long, hopefully now they won't have this problem. I never had a pop up problem in cars or bikes on san andreas, only in the fighter jet :D
Hmmm I still don't know if you ppl got me, I'm talking about the pop up of vehicles, not the terrain, the terrain & textures& buildings are fine in all occasions, I want the vehicles (CARS!!!!) to appear @ longer distances than they are now.
There are times when traffice simply does no pop up for some time. Though i admit i get it pretty good most times, and the position you show your taxi i get many cars passing. Though after a while they vanish. I tend to see more cars when travelling in town and moving. Sit on the road and the cars start to become scarse.
lol i still dont think you understand really. he means basically there are 2 draw distances, one for textuers/environment, and one for people/vehicles.

he wants the vehicle/people one as far away as the texture/environment one.

mayb you can try to mod a file of the game itself? do some searches on how to mod GTA. i havent played in a while but i bet there are some simple settings in a config file somewhere that can just be changed.

you'd be surprised how easy it is sometimes.

tell you what, ill install the game maybe next few days, see what i can find
I understood i was just replying to a different comment :rolleyes:

Im afraid i dont know of any mods that do this though, best bet is to wait for GTA 4 and hope its improved.
ergonomics said:
lol i still dont think you understand really. he means basically there are 2 draw distances, one for textuers/environment, and one for people/vehicles.

he wants the vehicle/people one as far away as the texture/environment one.

mayb you can try to mod a file of the game itself? do some searches on how to mod GTA. i havent played in a while but i bet there are some simple settings in a config file somewhere that can just be changed.

you'd be surprised how easy it is sometimes.

tell you what, ill install the game maybe next few days, see what i can find

Perfectly understand, but i don't get that problem. I had my car in that same position and i saw cars for some distance. I have everything on max and it shows cars some way off. Only problem i get is the lag in loading road textures and ground, etc. As I said, on occation i can sit in one position and cars stop loading (or passing me). But if i drive i see loads
Right I've solved a bit of my problem, my main problem still exists though, the distance mainly, but I've changed the ammount of vehicles the game renembers from 12 to 80, edited stream.ini in the main sa folder from this:

memory		13500
devkit_memory	13500
vehicles	12

to this:

memory		99999
devkit_memory	50000
vehicles	80

After checking out

But this doesn't fix the spawn distance, it seems to help with cars disappearing ( now I think they disappear later) but still not perfect, spawning is still a disaster though, especially when flying.

btw this is how the 10 view distance mod looks like: doesnt look too good (due to the game itself not being designed for this) but at least makes view distance a bit better, this is mainly better when driving.

Note again though, all the empty roads, Really a mod for cars spawning distance needs to be made :( .
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Isn't this just one of the limitations of GTA?

I understand your problem and it is quite an annoyance when the cars pop up out of nowhere (it loses a sort of 'realism' I guess) but I think it would stress the hardware (to the degree where it'll become poor, performance wise) if it does anymore than its intended to.

Similar to the problem Konami had with its football crowds in Pro Evolution - where they had completely empty stands for anything other than intros and goal replays.
Hardware has improved a lot since SA came out though, surley a dual core c2d beast @ 3.6 ghz or somit can take more as a pentium 4 3.0 ghz or so?
I prefer to play @ 20 fps tbh and have nice populated roads than to play @ 60 fps like now with my specs and with empty roads in distance.

Besides, isn't it adapted for the ps2, all those settings?
If it is, then someone definatly has to do something about it, our pc cpu's can take a lot more than that outdated ps2 cpu.
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Of course the C2D's would be much better fitted for the job than the likes of the Pentium 4 - but surely there is also a software limit there as well? You know, before the program can't take anymore and dies.

I'm just doing guesswork - what I'm saying is definitely not to be taken as gospel, but I've just always experienced that in GTA and expected there to be a genuine reason for it being like that. If it was possible, then I don't see why it wouldn't be fixed - as I'm sure it's high on the list of things that could be improved.
iirc the game was developed for the PS2 first and the PS2 has serious memory limitations. It cannot be fixed except by a major engine re-write (GTA 4). Your stuck with it I'm afraid :(

Annoys me too :(
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