San andreas online

for me it directly loads into the game.

I cant play at the moment, for some reason my San Andreas is stuck on 60Hz even with an override of 100Hz on, it hurts my eyes way too much, anyone know why when every other 3D app runs at 100Hz?
Spunj99 said:
I used to play a lot before SA-MP was released. On a server called "UOcUK", not related to OcUK but there was a great bunch of regulars on there and the races were always awesomely close.


I second that, been playing on their sa:mp/MTA Servers for ages now and they are a good bunch.

Their mta server has a script which saves best time's and a whole load of other stuff (wins,deaths etc) and it all goes onto a leaderboard . I was at the top until they reset it :p . It adds a new dimension to mta which gives the game much more longevity.

I'd check the uocuk sa:mp server from time to time also as theirs a promising gamemode being made :) .
Solution to the above (Weird one i know..) is to click on one of the boxes and hold enter until they've all closed.... then the thing will load. You won't need to do it again either :)
gam3r said:
Everytime i run that from desktop, i get some weird error which keeps opening new windows and won't stop unless i terminate the process:(

if it's the access violation thing, there's a fix for it here: (taken from the forum)

Worked for me, there's a cops and robbers server which is quite good fun, but christ knows where it's located as I'm always getting 400+ pings. crazybobs server I think it's called.
sunlitsix said:
dled SA:MP earlier on, just went to try it.
i go on the server list, connect to one. main san andreas menu loads, i click on new game. it loads the map and that but then stays on a view of the vinewood sign.
so how do i actually play on the server?

Does this happen with all servers? I think it's a coding bug in which the game doesn't load after the gamemode has finished and a new one is about to start.
Zacko said:
Does this happen with all servers? I think it's a coding bug in which the game doesn't load after the gamemode has finished and a new one is about to start.

ive tryed about 6 servers and its like that on all of them
I definitely wanna try the MP mods for GTA:SA - so Ill dl both - do people mind posting decent servers that they normally go to?


ps3ud0 :cool:
For someone new to both mods LittleWhiteys servers are always a good place to start, theyre usually well admined and offer a selection of maps. If you want something a little different for MTA then the servers that offer fun maps are always great, as for SAMP theres really too many modes to mention, RPG, DM, TDM, Parachuting into the restricted area with others etc etc..
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