SanDisk Extreme Pro USB 3.2 stick initialise issue

5 Jul 2007
My trusty 512Gb memory key just threw a wobbler when it seems the driver crashed (drive not seen by explorer).

After much trouble I have managed to to get it to appear in Disk Management (Windows10) and initialised... Yet I cannot assign a drive letter or format. One message that appeared mentions 'insufficient space'. It seems there's only 15Kb !?!?

What now ?
Did you try first cleaning all existing partition data?

Yes as per the instructions, twice. Also tried the free software in the link. Stated "drive unreadable" by its I'd and also failed to create a partition as only 16kb available.... Needs the drive controller initialising or something.
Need the drive controller software so I can properly initialize the drive and see what if any errors the controller throws up....... Any idea where to get it for this drive ?
Well today I tried again... Plugged it in directly (without my dual power extension), it appeared, I could see the files !. Yet when I tried to run a video it just froze and locked up the PC !?. So I forced the PC off and tried another socket, WORKING. Screen shot of the files and copied them to a hard drive (117Gb).

Ordered another lindy dual power usb3 extension lead (due for a new one) yet I don't trust the pen drive. When it was faulty it wouldn't read in another computer either !?.

It has given problems from the start. My windows10 would usually refuse to see the drive for the first 2 minutes then you'd get the windows sound when connecting (yet always worked instantly on another windows10 machine and TV !?!?). A voyager gt pen drive ALWAYS worked fine and always detected instantly in the extension cable and TV.... Yes I removed the sandisk driver and got windows to put it back, didn't help.
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