IMHO, I don't think ~1.35 V is really safe for Sandybridge chips. However the word safe needs some context. It depends how long you want it to last.
In the very long term it does degrade. I ran a 2700k at 4.7GHz 1.34 V for around 10 years before moving to a 5950X a couple of months ago. In the last year to 18 months the 2700k was notably degrading. The once flawless chip would start to see a few BSODs here and then. A slight nudge up of vcore would fix them for a few more months, then they'd come back. By the time I pulled the system I had vcore up to 1.37 V to remain stable. Still ok-ish, but it's clear the CPU was past it's better days. If I ever put it back into service I'll almost certainly have to drop the clocks a little to feel comfortable.
So if you want it to last 'forever' I'd stay below 1.3 V, if you just want a couple more years from it, then it's probably fine.