about order a 7870 or a 7850 but before i order could a member of staff confirm if the games still come with the cards :)
Only asking as ive heard a couple members mention that they never got there games moneys tight so the games are an added bonus ;)

Yes! :)
I've been eyeing up the 7970s for a while.

I have a few quick questions:
My 6850s (crossfire) seems to run very hot because I have two high resolution screens.. it seems to get to around 90+ in some games. How much cooler is this single card likely to be rather than crossfire 6850s? (It seems to idle around 50-60 even!)

How much of a performance boost / loss will it likely be over the two cards I currently have?

I would assume one of these cards would also pull less power than two 6850s.

Which of the 6970s would you recommend?

Sffnoob installed mine yesterday awesome card m8 very quite considering its got 2 fans.
Plays every thing sweet as a nut on highest settings Crysis 1/2 plus graphic mods an BF3 on ultra.
10/10 from me :)
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