SAS Rogue Heroes (BBC)

Finished watching this last night - didn't know it existed until they started promoting season 2 recently! Found it fairly interesting. Though I've read up about some of the real life guys and they seem pretty awful people in some ways!
Just started watching S2. Actually finding it quite enjoyable even if some aspects are a bit far fetched.
Kind of like a WWII Peaky Blinders complete with contemporary rock soundtrack accompanying historical events.
Jack O'Connell's Paddy has such a superb droll delivery with that thick Belfast accent, though I doubt in reality he would have got away with quite so much insubordination to senior officers without risking a court martial.
At some point must watch S1 on iPlayer.
I gave up on it quickly, which is unusual for me. Didn’t like the use of the music as mentioned and also the general tone seemed to glamourise some real and fairly unpleasant events. If it was more fictitious I think it could have been fun, but oddly I just found it didn’t sit right with me. Odd as I’ll watch most things and give them a fair shot. Maybe I’ve been spoiled by Band of Brothers.
I’m reading the book currently, then I’ll rewatch S1 & S2, it’s alright to be honest; some of the stuff they kept out is utterly balmy.

Braver men than I’d ever be
Apparently the grenade on the pool table scene was modified, in the show Stirling used fake (obviously a prop but its a known fake in the show between characters), in reality it was real, they changed it to make it more believable :D
Though I've read up about some of the real life guys and they seem pretty awful people in some ways!
nice people dont become hardened SF killers, real life isnt like Hollywood.
these people are generally the type that would have became serious criminals if they hadnt joined the military.
nice people dont become hardened SF killers, real life isnt like Hollywood.
these people are generally the type that would have became serious criminals if they hadnt joined the military.

Exactly, if you get chance check out some of the interviews with Christian Craighead, Obi Wan Nairobi SAS bloke, he was basically tortured as a kid and explains how those early years plus his military career created the man he became, he has done multiple interviews and they are worth a watch, the joy with which he explains getting shot, wanting to get shot again, his first kills etc.
Paddy Mayne was so boring in S2.
That actor is so obviously not Irish and is belabouring the accent and intonation like a first-year drama student trying to play Hamlet... and the righteous proclamation of poetic prose is just irritating, now.
nice people dont become hardened SF killers, real life isnt like Hollywood.
these people are generally the type that would have became serious criminals if they hadnt joined the military.
A few might well have ended up on the wrong side of Albert Pierrepoint, had the war not given them an outlet!
Series 2 was better than 1 imho - better story, some light and some dark and some good characters - although the idea all the original SAS were mad is a very far fetched. Some sure but not the whole platoon.
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