it’s nice to see the SATA 6Gb/s spec ship on a real-world product, but putting a 6Gb/s controller on a mechanical hard drive is like putting a Formula 1 airfoil on a golf cart. The vehicle just ain’t ever going to go fast enough to warrant the accessory.
Why do hard drives have sata 3 (or is it now called 6) interfaces anyway?
Your best approach is to install windows & whatever else you want onto the hard drive, then take a look at how much space it's occupying. Then get an ssd that's a bit bigger than that.
thanks ppl ... read some reviews and stuff ...
feeling like I wasted my money buying a useless mechanical SATA III instead of a SATA II.... SSD it will have to be! What would be the lowest capacity SSD recommended by you guys just for the of and maybe Adobe master collection and 3Ds Max? or maybe a PCI-Express Solid State Drive
would a 64GB do fine?
btw these are the scores I have got...what do you think?
Crucial c300 64gb sata3 - One of the few drives out there that actually benefit from 6gbps bandwidth.
64gb is fine if you just need it for os and essential apps. Has enouh room for a few games too.