Sata and IDE

1 Dec 2005
hi all

if uve read my other psot in the moo section u will no ive had problems and had to get a new mobo, unfortunatly that means i wont be able to oot into my SATA with the new mobo. But there are some stuff i ned on it, i was wondering would this work:

install windows on my spare IDE drive, then set that as boot up drive, and plug in the sata.

would i be able to access the SATA drive wen i m in windows?
Is your keyboard missing letters when you type(mainly a b)?

In answer to your question though yes you should be able to install the SATA drivers onto your IDE hard drive and then access your SATA hard drive. You may also have to go into drive management to make sure that Windows recognises it.
You can try it, depending on the motherboard chipset it might work without SATA drivers(Nforce4 or Intel based) but you might find that it won't boot anyway because Windows doesn't like major changes like that sometimes. It shouldn't do any harm, if anything it would overwrite the boot record but since it doesn't work anyway there is no loss with that.

It isn't a very neat solution though because you will still have all the old drivers in the system.
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