12 Aug 2005
Team 10
I'm thinking of buying a "Western Digital Raptor 36.7GB WD360GD 10,000RPM SATA 8MB Cache" and using it for my Windoze installation.

Would it really provide that much of a speed boost compared to a 7200 2MB cache IDE drive?

Worth it for £80ish?
Well the idea would be to have my 60GB and 160GB drives for other stuff and the 36GB WD for windows (Along with any huge games that I feel are taking too long to load :p )

Does it shorten the time it takes for windows to load, a lot?
Ok well if I put it like this.

It usually takes around 3-5 mins for windows to start up and THEN another 5-8 mins for the desktop and all my startup rubbish to load (NIS is horrible for startup times).

Would a WD drive reduce that a lot?
I've cleaned it out and defragged it more then i shoulda done :p

Its completly blue in defrag window thing and no spare files or what not. Then again, the drive is about 4 years old.
messiah khan said:
It didnt take even half that time on my old 27gb 5400rpm Fujitsu.

Then you aint got NIS installed. With a clean install of windows it takes about 20-30 seconds to get to desktop and its useable. With NIS, it becomes about 2-3 mins!

The drive is getting old and when my new system arrives, I'm gonna reformat it :)
Norton Internet Security. Does me fine thank you :p

Never had a problem with it. Except the loading times for windows.

Well my 60 for windows has some games and stuff on it but i got a 160 for backup. Before I format my windows drive, all the important stuff gets shifted over to my 160. Once re-formatted, just move back into place :)

Ahem, contrary to what you say "musicman53", I've got quite a few games installed on my 160 that after formatting my 60, still worked :p

Got some programs on their that work fine too. Some do, some don't. Depends on the program.
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