SATA cables

10 Aug 2003
Is there a difference between SATA cables? I have a old SATA generation 1 cable. But have a new PC and HDD which are SATA2/300. Will i need to get new SATA cable to make them run/transfer at full speed?
Thanks in advance guys :)
As far as I am aware a SATA cable is a SATA cable is a SATA cable. :) If you got a new PC then the cables you got with it should be compatible with SATA II if there is/was any difference but somehow I doubt there is.
i am wanting to install an additional hard drive. Got one, an OEM one so came with no cables. But i got a old SATA generation 1 cable from an old machine
I've noticed that many of the newer SATA cables you get now have a metal clip which attaches the cable more securely (like the one below) but other than that I think the specifications are identical.

Tute said:
What about those Western Digital Secure Connect jobbies?

Are they actually any better then generic cables?

They don't work for every hard drive, they work for Western Digital obviously and I think one other manufacturer(I can't remember which so I'd only be guessing), they do offer a more solid connection in terms of lessening the likelihood that they will fall out but unless you move your PC often or put your hands into the case much it really isn't a huge issue, they can't improve data transfer or anything like that. :)
If you have a warm/hot PC, I definitely recommend the metal clip cables (assuming your SATA ports support them). I found with a relatively warm system, the normal SATA cables would eventually work a little way out of their sockets due to expanding and contracting. This would lead to my system getting random reboots, hangings etc. I changed them for the metal latch cables, and all has been well since.
Tute said:
What about those Western Digital Secure Connect jobbies?

Are they actually any better then generic cables?

They have a special block type connector which generally only fits Western Digital drives. The connector at the other end which plugs into the SATA header is just standard though.
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