Sata HDD Prob

25 Sep 2003
Ive just bought a Samsung Sata II HDD , my Motherbord isnt Sata II so i chaged the jumper so it runs at sata 1 speed. Ive installed it but it is not shoing up in my computer. Its shows in Device Manager as a Samsung drive, was also making a strage noise for a short while (not the click of death)....any ideas whats wrong?

Im new to sata HDD's. i didnt think you needed to install Sata drivers if its not my primary windows hdd
Ah, a lot of people have this problem (with not finding the drive) you need to go in to Control Panel -> Admin tools -> Computer management -> disk management, and then format the drive and it should be fine then :)
R right i get ya, im usless with hard drives, well its formatting now and i had to assign i drive letter (G) and now it shows up in my computer so i will let it format now.....Cheers!!
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