SATA-II disk wont show in windows XP

13 Jun 2006

I've been having trouble installing a new Western Digital Caviar 500GB SATA-II disk to my system. I'm currently running two 150GB Western Digital disks in Raid 0. The problem is the new disk wont show up in Windows Xp. The bios is picking it up fine... It's just windows. I've tried Disk Manager and nothing.

I even tried the disk in my other PC and it works fine.

Does anyone know what the problem might be?

Are the two disks in RAID also SATA? If not you might need to reinstall some SATA drivers. If the RAID disks are SATA then the problem lies elsewhere...

Try jiggling the cables that connect the drive to the board and PSU. Not long ago my BIOS saw my HDD but wouldn't boot from it. Reseated the SATA cable and all is fine.

There might also be a problem with the actual SATA socket on the mobo.. try a different one if you can.

Oh and welcome to the forums. Read the FAQ :D

Do you have an mobo with an nforce chipset?

i was having issues with my WD 500gb because i didnt have the nvidia ide driver installed, my sata1 disks had been working perfectly so i hadnt thought to try this at first

edit: is it possible that if you have the controller configured for raid its automatically set the drive to be a hot spare or something, on HP server raid cards you have to configure drives into raid 0 arrays even when they're going to be single disks
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