Theirtarget market is the enthusiast right?
Most people in this market consider looks as well as performance as demonstrated by every other manufacturer!
Come on Plextor!
- They are not much faster than an average SSD let alone the fastest.
- They are not cheaper
- They use up valuable PCI-e slots
- They look horrible (to the market (enthusiasts) that these would be aimed at)

So why are these newsworthy? Have I missed something important or not thinking of an advantage?
I always think its crazy when they release a new connection type (sata 2-sata3) and do something completely retarded like double the speed. which the first generation at S3 drives maxed immediately. It should always be a 10x increase.

There are a huge number of factors to creating a new standard. It may not be technically possible to increase at 10x. Even increasing it to the best tech we have, may make the devices so expensive to manufacture, that new components could cost ridiculous money.
- They are not much faster than an average SSD let alone the fastest.
- They are not cheaper
- They use up valuable PCI-e slots
- They look horrible (to the market (enthusiasts) that these would be aimed at)

So why are these newsworthy? Have I missed something important or not thinking of an advantage?

I'm still using a board from before sata3

I can get more use out of a pcie SSD than swapping my board and cpu.

I only use one PCIe slot on a mATX board so one has never been used.

I also have all HDD bays full with HDDs and since the only SSDs I can use are sata2 this is a suitable upgrade option.

If you have a sata3 board and available bays and don't care for the speed increase it's not for you but it's not hard to see who it's good for.
There are a huge number of factors to creating a new standard. It may not be technically possible to increase at 10x. Even increasing it to the best tech we have, may make the devices so expensive to manufacture, that new components could cost ridiculous money.

Yeah I know 10x isnt always possible. But i think Sata3 was extremely short sighted. It satisfied progress for about 2 weeks.
Does anyone know if these are likely to take a performance hit on a 775 mobo with v1 PCI-e slots? Wondering if the read/write speeds will be bottlenecked any.
SSD prices are meant to be dropping another 20% this year though, not sure if it will impact these do they use same NAND as conventional SSDs?
In the brief description on the store they are listed as:

Read Speed: 7700MB/Sec, Write Speed: 625MB/Sec, Controller: Marvell 88SS9183 Controller

Cheeky extra '7' there. Might want to fix that before someone gets too excited.
Tech question: why does the write speed get faster in correlation to the size of the drive?

It's mainly because larger drives have more memory chips - this gives them greater 'bandwidth' than smaller drives. Additionally, larger drives tend to have more cache, which also speeds up access times.
Really look forward to do once this platform matures and samsung and crucial release their own versions, no doubt with silly numbers to boot literally.
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