SATA300 with a SATA150 (I think)

7 Oct 2006

I know sod all about my pc (I tend to use the photography section of these 'ere forums). Anyway, I think my HDD is on the way out...or just isnt happy, maybe because it is like 95% full :( So I am going to get a new HDD.

I was pointed towards a "500 Gb Samsung HD501LJ Spinpoint T, SATA300, 7200 rpm, 16MB Cache, 8.9 ms, NCQ" - but I havent got a clue if that will work along side my current "ST320082 2AS SCSI Disk Device (200 GB, 7200 RPM, Serial-ATA/150)" Its the 300 and 150 numbers that worry me. Is this new drive going to need any new connectors or cause me any obvious problems?

Motherboard info (if it helps) "VIA K8M800, AMD Hammer"

Any help you can offer would be appreciated :) thanks!
SATA 300 is backwards compatible, the worst you'll have to do is set a jumper on the drive to limit it to 150Mb/s operation if your existing SATA controller is unable to do the auto speed negotiation.

The data connectors will be fine if you have a spare cable - the drive won't come with one. The power might be an issue though as I doubt your current PSU has any 13 pin SATA power connectors and I'm not sure if the Samsung has both SATA and Molex power options. It's possible to get a molex to SATA power convertor if necessary.
Thanks :) I have put a new PSU in not long ago and it has a ton of extra cables and stuff :p Think I might give it a bash and see how it goes. £75 for a 500gb HDD is too good an offer to pass on
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