SATAII HDD seems very slow

15 Sep 2003
Leeds UK
Hi all

I've just built myself a Media center PC and fitted an old Samsung 160gb SATAII hard drive. However when copying files from one partition to another it seems very slow. For example a 1 gig video file is currently taking about 6 mins to transfer. Is this normal?

Cheers in advance
How long does it take to copy and paste the file on the SAME partition ?

You might want to try to see how long it takes to copy the file to an external firewire / usb2 drive or better still if you have a spare HD stick that in the copy and see how it performs.

Try also taking off your overclocking (if any )and doing things @ stock maybe.
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yfas29 said:
Hi all

I've just built myself a Media center PC and fitted an old Samsung 160gb SATAII hard drive. However when copying files from one partition to another it seems very slow. For example a 1 gig video file is currently taking about 6 mins to transfer. Is this normal?

Cheers in advance
If you only have a single physical disk then copying anything about isn't going to be particularly quick because the drive heads have to continually move between the source and target locations but 6 mins seems a touch excessive.

It's difficult to know precisely what's going on without some more details but a first port of call would be to run an HDTach benchmark and make sure that the drive is at least reading at a sensible speed.

6mins per Gb is about 2.7Mb/s, the drive could well be running in PIO mode - is the CPU usage high when you're doing the copy?
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