SATAII's over Raptors? - RAID 5 or 0?

14 Jun 2006
Hi all... I could really use some help on this... :)
I've seen in tons of forums that 4x SATAII drives (RAID 0) will out perform 2x WD raptors, (my two 36GB raptors, RAID 0, on the right):


I'd really appreciate some opinions on my decision to go for 4x WD 250GB SATAII's and whether I should be safe and use RAID 5 or go for RAID 0. Thanks...
It was more of a question than a statement... simply wanted to know if 4x SATA II will definitely outperform 2x Raptors.........there's a lot of confliting reports out there.

I'm set on getting 4 SATA II's anyway........ so I would appreciate advice/experiences on any risks with 4 drive on RAID 0, are these drives unlikly to let you down as long as you've got serge protectors, good hardware firewall ect...
Thanks for the advice james, I guess most peoples votes would be with the raptors :) ... It's just that I've seen some killer results posted with 4xSATAII's RAID0... I'm not sure if even 2 raptors could top what I'm seeing :confused:
:D That's what I'm talkin about! That'll reduce the bottleneck I'm getting...

Could anyone give advice on whether 4 drives on RAID 0 are too risky?
Cheers for the advice Khan... a friend told me that RAID 5 with 4 drives would give you the safety plus as good performance as RAID 0, is that right? I'm not so sure.
Cheers ByteJuggler... I've got a GA-G1975X (G1 Turbo) mobo that supports RAID 0, 0+1 and 5.......It's worked great with RAID 0 so far, but I've got no idea if it's onboard controller is any good with RAID 5 though?
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