Satisfactory Alpha release

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I need to get over trying to belt things back to my starter base - but I'm not that far in yet - just built a small factory for the phase 2 stuff (smart plates et al) - should be good to go in a few hours.
I'm in the awkward phase of moving up to mk.2 miners without having left room to do so. I think I'll get my starter base and tiny steel base running on the tier requirements and then go and build fresh for the future.

Just completed a much cleaner coal power area actually close to water and coal nodes which should be easily expandable. I'm now up to something like 750MW generation with 3 more ready to come online when I next travel all the way out to them. That's waiting on parts for a hyperloop so hopefully a one and done journey.

The addiction is back in full force!
Similar place to me then :) I've got some basic steel up and running but was pushing the limits of my 600MW coal power and was still needing to dip in to the biomass burners. So I went with a decent sized coal power plant for 3200MW :D which should (hopefully) see me through to turbo fuel but found out I turned all my concrete in to encased steel beams so can't build the outside yet - oops. But now I need to rebuild with mark 2 miners and all the new stuff and want to swap where I'm sending some nodes so torn everything down so I just hope I have enough resources saved up to rebuild.

Similar place to me then :) I've got some basic steel up and running but was pushing the limits of my 600MW coal power and was still needing to dip in to the biomass burners. So I went with a decent sized coal power plant for 3200MW :D which should (hopefully) see me through to turbo fuel but found out I turned all my concrete in to encased steel beams so can't build the outside yet - oops. But now I need to rebuild with mark 2 miners and all the new stuff and want to swap where I'm sending some nodes so torn everything down so I just hope I have enough resources saved up to rebuild.

... Power...
This looks far nicer than my setup. I think I'll get to this level eventually but it's been a bit of a reminder to plan ahead. Finally sussed out the straight mode for belts which is helping, need to try it on pipes too to get it to look more like yours. Did you do one long horizontal pipe to begin with then add splitters back in to branch off to each coal gen?

Did a little more last night and left it waiting on the last of the Frameworks to complete phase 2. Got a mix of perfectly balanced machines and under/over fed ones which I'm less happy about. Though the over fed are becoming my supply points for building new machines as I kept running out of things like reinforced plates when building conveyors. Should probably have a dedicated depot to pull all that stuff from really.
Any idea if you can play this game couch co-op splitscreen?

There's no splitscreen unfortunately.

This looks far nicer than my setup. I think I'll get to this level eventually but it's been a bit of a reminder to plan ahead. Finally sussed out the straight mode for belts which is helping, need to try it on pipes too to get it to look more like yours. Did you do one long horizontal pipe to begin with then add splitters back in to branch off to each coal gen?

Did a little more last night and left it waiting on the last of the Frameworks to complete phase 2. Got a mix of perfectly balanced machines and under/over fed ones which I'm less happy about. Though the over fed are becoming my supply points for building new machines as I kept running out of things like reinforced plates when building conveyors. Should probably have a dedicated depot to pull all that stuff from really.

Plan ahead nah - I built my first coal gen then wanting to expand I so had to move it to another place on the map as I didn't have enough water...which meant the coal I was using for steel needed to be from a different node....which then I noticed the new coal node has iron near too so a good place for steel but that iron is being used for my starter yeah, I should probably plan ahead more too :D I always find the start of the game a little like this though as there's so much rebuilding needed anyway. Hopefully though once I rebuild my "starter" factory it should be relatively final.

Yes, for the pipe, I just made one long one then added the splitters on to the pipe as it gives you the snapping markers to line them up. I find the problem with the conveyor parts is I build a dedicated line for them and build up a massive stock then unlock mk3's and barely use any of plates then.
Ok phew, not just me then :p

I would move on to mk.3 conveyors but the only place that needed it was one miner on a coal node where the first section before a split needs above mk.2 speeds to keep up. Currently all the steel is going into frameworks minus a handful for an imbalanced encased beams assembler, but I think I've got plenty of those now. I think I was a bit over half way to the 1k frameworks needed, when that's done I'll look at upgrading belts.
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It's hard visualising I find compared to the relative simplicity of a zoomed out map on Factorio.
Not that I ever thought that wouldn't be the case moving to 3d.
Yeah this update is sweet, lots of polish. And the summersloops... very interesting. I just added 90 coal plants so have 9GW and am using 2,so am going summersloop hunting so I don't have to create a heavy modular frame factory yet and instead get a single Overclocked summerslooped manufacturer to make things for a while. Unfortunately I just died to a single mob on the other side of the map...... so logged off
Currently building infrastructure to enable nuclear power, hunting hard drives as I want a specific alternate recipe, hope it hasn't been removed lol...
Just completed phase 2 so I could be on to oil processing shortly. In reality I'll probably hold here for a while making a few improved factories for certain things and just carry on with coal gens. First up is expanding out steel production massively.

I need to start thinking vertically. So far I just sprawl when I need to spilt and combine belts but could be far better arranged. For example I just took 1 coal node and ran the 240 output to near some iron to begin splitting it all out properly. Tried to keep things need and went 240 - 120 - 60 - 30 then took one of each 30 down to 15s. Combined them back up with the 30s into 45s to go straight into forges but I'm left with one 15 left over kinda floating around the edge that I'll need to find an output for, maybe one coal gen if there's water nearby.

The whole thing is probably layed out over something like 3x5 foundations which ok isn't bad, but now I'm thinking was there a better way I could have done it? Maybe I'll just build another couple of empty floors over that and put the forges up at the top level. That way any increase in miner level I just need to repeat the ground floor layout and I know that I get my same 5x45s as an output. I like that idea actually... Will give it a go next session.
I need to start thinking vertically. So far I just sprawl when I need to spilt and combine belts but could be far better arranged. For example I just took 1 coal node and ran the 240 output to near some iron to begin splitting it all out properly. Tried to keep things need and went 240 - 120 - 60 - 30 then took one of each 30 down to 15s. Combined them back up with the 30s into 45s to go straight into forges but I'm left with one 15 left over kinda floating around the edge that I'll need to find an output for, maybe one coal gen if there's water nearby.

You can always underclock a constructor to handle any excess. I overclock the miners to generate 270 instead (filling a mk3 belt) and use the extra 30 for steel pipe which you seem to need less of anyway.
You can always underclock a constructor to handle any excess. I overclock the miners to generate 270 instead (filling a mk3 belt) and use the extra 30 for steel pipe which you seem to need less of anyway.
Ah good point I hadn't thought to mess with clock speed to do the fine tuning, thanks!
Just completed phase 2 so I could be on to oil processing shortly. In reality I'll probably hold here for a while making a few improved factories for certain things and just carry on with coal gens. First up is expanding out steel production massively.

I need to start thinking vertically. So far I just sprawl when I need to spilt and combine belts but could be far better arranged. For example I just took 1 coal node and ran the 240 output to near some iron to begin splitting it all out properly. Tried to keep things need and went 240 - 120 - 60 - 30 then took one of each 30 down to 15s. Combined them back up with the 30s into 45s to go straight into forges but I'm left with one 15 left over kinda floating around the edge that I'll need to find an output for, maybe one coal gen if there's water nearby.

The whole thing is probably layed out over something like 3x5 foundations which ok isn't bad, but now I'm thinking was there a better way I could have done it? Maybe I'll just build another couple of empty floors over that and put the forges up at the top level. That way any increase in miner level I just need to repeat the ground floor layout and I know that I get my same 5x45s as an output. I like that idea actually... Will give it a go next session.
You're overthinking it, sure underclock the miner to match requirements if the pause when it starts/stops causes issues but otherwise ignore it or sink the excess. Load balancing will rapidly become a major pita and I'd always simply go with manifolds and let the system sort itself out.
You're overthinking it, sure underclock the miner to match requirements if the pause when it starts/stops causes issues but otherwise ignore it or sink the excess. Load balancing will rapidly become a major pita and I'd always simply go with manifolds and let the system sort itself out.
But... but... My efficiency! :p

My main point was the splitting of the 240 down to the 45s taking up lots of space if I keep it all on one level, especially if I then have the following machines on the same level. I just want to get the maximum number of steel beams out of a single coal node that I can and hope that it's enough to carry me through for a decent while, but not take up half the map doing so.

Fortunately the iron requirement is the same which means again I can just copy my coal splitting layout exactly without having to think about it. I think this is where the multiple floors idea should help me.
The only efficiency you lose between load balancing and a manifold is starting the machines as they fill slower with a manifold. Once up and running you should get 100% with both.

For steel, I’d also say go hard drive hunting as there’s some nice steel alternate recipes that both give you more outputs and better numbers for input/output.

Annoyingly, I got the steel alternate I wanted (ingots) and built most of my factory and unlocked the new beam one so tempted to rebuild that half. As the extra cement isn’t hard to get.
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