Saving my lawn

11 Jul 2004
It's gone horrible yellow in recent weeks. Neighbours lawns look a lot better (still some yellow but only small amounts).

Any tips to bring it back to life?

Have a horrible feeling my housemate overdone the feed n weed.
Water it a little every other evening or so if its hot out, that should help to keep it from dying too quickly, if he put lots of grass food on it, it shouldn't need anymore. But if it continues put some more grass seed down while that is dying, so you don't have too long with no lawn. September/march is the best time to plant grass seed :D
I <3 my lawn
If my housemate killed my wondrous lawn I would use his blood as fertilizer >. >
I had the same problem earlier in the year, my brother in law is a groundman and when he scarified my lawn there was nothing left. He nitrogen fertilized what was left of my lawn and re-seeded it. 3 weeks and my grass was better than it ever was. Then again it should be the grass he was using was £180 a bag and was seed they use for football pitches.

My problem was I was always cutting my grass too short to save my lazy backside from having to cut it to often. This killed my lawn rapidly. I now just keep it maintained on almost the longest setting and my grass is living much better.
Broad leaf weed killer
Core aerate
Water water water
Pre emergent weed killer next spring.
Can you scarify manually?
We have a lawn infront of the house, but about an 8 foot circle is half dead due to a large tree growing. Is there a different blend of grass we could use or do something to keep it from drying out due to the tree?

Also where do you guys buy seed or fertilizer from, BnQ seem outrageous in some respects. Is there an OcUK for lawn products?
If it's a very small lawn you could scarify with a detaching rake. It might be the shade from the tree killing it, or maybe there isn't enough top soil around the roots.
My neighbor's cherry tree used to overhang our garden, and our dog ate cherries and got sick. He needed suregery to remove the stones, and our neighbour wouldn't cut back the tree. A drill and a pint of CuSO4 put an end to that debate.

Point: Don't use copper sulphate to fertilise your lawn. 8 foot circle of death lasted about 5 years.
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