Saw 3 **SPOILERS**

'Saving Private Ryan' is of course a fantastic film and shows what real war was like but as for which one contained the most...gore? Saw 3 wins hands down.

The imgination used by the creators of Saw 3 is simply jaw dropping, i'd never have thought of so many brutal ways to kill someone and displaying the techniques uncut. We saw everything.

Let's wait and see what other people think. <3
To be honest it wasn't so much the gore but the sounds effects in the gory parts that make me whince.
SideWinder said:
The imgination used by the creators of Saw 3 is simply jaw dropping, i'd never have thought of so many brutal ways to kill someone and displaying the techniques uncut. We saw everything.


have you seen the cube films?they were way more imaginative at killing people and it was more gory too.saw 3 was just a huge dissapointment but i must admit i wasnt expecting much of it so want that dissapointed :)
frakker said:
Ichi the Killer has more gore if I recall correctly?

Haven't seen it yet, heard about it though.

beast20vt said:
have you seen the cube films?they were way more imaginative at killing people and it was more gory too.saw 3 was just a huge dissapointment but i must admit i wasnt expecting much of it so want that dissapointed :)

Never heard of them...i'll try and find them on DVD. Thanks.
SideWinder said:
Name a film more gory than Saw 3.

try salo ;)

i havent seen saw 3 because i cant stand gore but i know for a fact there are some more gory, disturbing and gruesome films out there

do a search for it :)
Thought the film was amazing, had a whole lot of twists in it, i really truely thought it was just as good as the others.
Saw this last night (hehe :rolleyes: ) It was pretty good. The bit with the cop from 2 getting his leg out of the leg cuffs turned my stomach a bit but other than that I'd say the other two were a lot gorier. I liked the weird twist at the end but had guessed something like that was going to happen as I read about it on here.
Me and a friend went to see it saturday we really liked it better than the first two we thought. Anyone else around people screaming in the audience funny as hell :D you big girls lol!
I saw this last weekend, thought it was a lot better than the second film which basically was a formulaic horror film done badly with added gore.

This one I felt was more in keeping with the nature of the first film, loved the style of it all, industrial and grimy, and loved the special effects. Thought the story was rather weak but I guess it served it's function.

As for being scary... nah not in the slightest, no jump moments that weren't broadcast before they happened. In my opinionit was relying on the gore to unsettle people, and judging by the reports of people fainting then I guess it had some success..

Saw 4 (lets face it it's very likely to happen if the money keeps rolling in) will no doubt be more of the same with a weak storyline and even more gore...

valve90210 said:
Saw 4 (lets face it it's very likely to happen if the money keeps rolling in) will no doubt be more of the same with a weak storyline and even more gore...

To late! It has already been announced:

Saw 3 .... well.. I think everything I thought of it has already been said. Although no one mentioned that every actor/actress in this film has an annoying looking face.

Saw this tonight having not seen the first two... The goriest film I've seen I think. I really enjoyed it, even though some parts were a little hard to watch. For a gorefest I like how it's cleverer than most others, e.g. Texas Crapsaw Crappacre, and I did really like th twist at the end, and the acting was good. I didn't like how they felt the need to summarise and explain every single thing in that flashback sequence near the end though, I'm pretty sure most people could have worked that out for themselves, and would have made for a lot more talking points on leaving the cinema.
Doohickey said:
I didn't like how they felt the need to summarise and explain every single thing in that flashback sequence near the end though, I'm pretty sure most people could have worked that out for themselves, and would have made for a lot more talking points on leaving the cinema.

I was thinking that too...the first one didn't get 'explained' so I'm not sure why they felt the need to spell out whats happened at the end of the 3rd.
saw this tonight...was ok...nothing special...thought 1st one was better...

not that many trap things in this 1, only bout 2 or 3 okish ones, although they were pretty disgusting
Got to see it tonight........spent the fist hour in the loo (dont ask) and basically started watching from when she cut his head open. Im totally lost as to what went on. :o
I thought it was a good film.

Im glad they are making another, I love horror franchises, I hope they keep making Nightmare on Elm Streets, Friday 13th's, Halloweens etc!

As for the plot of Saw 4...Hmmm It would only be a good film if Tobin Bell is still alive, I guess they could make it so he lives, if the shotgun device around that ladys neck, was linked to Amanda, not Jigsaw, that would explain that part, but Jigsaw got his neck slashed...I just wonder if they could make him live from that?
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