Scaring my sister into stopping P2P

iCraig said:
Songs are so cheap on iTunes these days, its not exactly expensive to pay for music.

Do these same people drive off without paying for petrol?

Thing is, with all the millions they make off music they manage to buy huge cars that empty out our local petrol station. So, in an effort to reduce climate change as well as have money to eat, we choose not to buy music, and we say no to the destruction of the world.
I'm sure non of the downloaders drive off without paying for petrol as with the "would you steal a car omgwtfbbq?" argument as it is obviously wrong. But if you could pop on the net and "download" a tank of petrol off some random person anywhere in the world and that person had full knowledge you were doing it and therefore concented to it then why wouldn't you?

/Obviously im 100% against this most terrible of crimes.
Arcade Fire said:
As far as I'm aware, nobody has been sued for downloading material so far - only for uploading. They should be perfectly safe if they're only downloading, particularly as the UK seems to be slow to take up the US's idea of prosecuting consumers.

I could be wrong, though, and if anybody knows otherwise I'd be interested to hear from them.

If anyone using p2p doesn't upload then they should FOAD as far as I'm concerned - leechers are lowlife.
Anim said:
you'll find authorities are a bit less bothered about someone downloading songs in even 4 figure numbers, those uploading albums movies and software to millions of users are on the other hand targetted quite severely.

In the UK so far, people have only been prosecuted for sharing music AFAIK, not movies and software so your post is mistaken.
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