Scary Films?

11 Apr 2003
Hey all,

It has been a long time since I have found a film that can really make me jump, apart from the odd time. So I am looking for a movie that could actually scare me (And others) as it is quite fun really!

I have tried a wide range of films but so far, no luck! I have witnessed friends be terrified by films such as "The Orphanage" but I do not find them scary in the least...

Thanks for any help!
I tried that, I sat there watching while everyone else made funny noises, and eventualy I was left alone in the dark because they could not take it... Played on my mind slightly when I went to bed but not exatly jump worthy :( (Still a good movie though!)

To be honest, if that's how you respond to those particular movies you might be somebody like me who needs to enjoy these films vicariously through others. I love the horror genre, however nothing really scares me -- I channel this through seeing others writhe and it's great.

I'd recommend watching the original B&W "The Haunting" of the few movies that has actually had me feeling very uneasy.
I'm yet to see a movie where I've been scared. Sure there's films that make me jump, but nothing where I've walked out and thought, 'OMG I'm so scared I'm going to fill my pants with doo-doo'. Horror's just don't appeal to me, they're never realistic and make me laugh most of the time.

I'd probably be more scared of watching those documentaries on real life murderers and rapists etc. Like when that bloke on Crime Watch says, 'don't have nightmares', 'oh cheers mate, I've just watched your programme about some bloke killing 20 people and not getting caught and you're telling me not to have nightmares, no problem there, I'll sleep like a baby.'
Shutter, original version of course.

I don't enjoy 'horror' films that rely on making you jump, it's a cheap scare in my opinion, much prefer psychological films where you're made to feel very uneasy, in my opinon stuff like the original Ring does this well and A Tale of Two Sisters :)
Pulse wasn't very scary imo, as was The decent. I find older movies scarier. Yet to see a movie which has made me feel scared. When I was younger I used to watch a lot of scary movies and maybe thats why I don't feel there are many good ones out there.
I like the realistic, subtle ways to scare people. E.g. the scene in Disturbia when the lad is walking past the window and you see the killers reflection slightly. I think these type of moments are much better.
Try movies such as the originals - The Grudge, The Eye, Ring0 etc.Much better than the newer ones imo.
What was that film with the opening scene in the corn fields? Jeepers Creepers 2? I know of girls that won't watch that scene! Rest of the film is pretty bad but the opening scene quite well done.
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